Forest@, vol. 21 (Year 2024) - Table of Contents

Records: 9

Editorials (1)



Twenty years later

Borghetti M, Bucci G

vol. 21, pp. 8-9 - online: Jan 27, 2024 - doi: 10.3832/efor0043-021

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF

Review Papers (2)


Review Papers

Caring for the forests of an inland area in the era of climate change: a case study of Basilicata, Southern Italy

Borghetti M, Ferrara A, Moretti N, Nolè A, Pierangeli D, Ripullone F, Todaro L

vol. 21, pp. 10-36 - online: Mar 28, 2024 - doi: 10.3832/efor0042-021

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Review Papers

Forest residue management in the Italian regulatory framework: an analysis of the regulations of Regions and Autonomous Provinces

Casera I, Udali A, Gatto P

vol. 21, pp. 72-77 - online: Sep 07, 2024 - doi: 10.3832/efor4638-021

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF

Research Articles (2)


Research Articles

Forest fires in Italy - Analysis of trends based on 50 years of observations

Notarangelo M

vol. 21, pp. 1-6 - online: Jan 16, 2024 - doi: 10.3832/efor4479-020

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Microbial indicators as innovative methods to assess the performance of woody crops in soil organic carbon sequestration and natural resource valorisation

Manici LM, Paletto A, Caputo F, Fornasier F, Ceotto E, De Meo I

vol. 21, pp. 48-54 - online: Jun 23, 2024 - doi: 10.3832/efor4610-021

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF

Commentaries & Perspectives (3)


Commentaries & Perspectives

Managing wildfires in Italy: overcoming the emergency, planning the prevention

La Mela Veca DS, Piroli E, Bacciu V, Barbera G, Brunori A, Calvani G, Delogu GM, Elia M, La Mantia T, Laschi A, Lovreglio R, Masiero M, Salis M, Tonarelli L, Motta R, Ascoli D

vol. 21, pp. 37-47 - online: May 08, 2024 - doi: 10.3832/efor4606-021

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Commentaries & Perspectives

The due diligence of timber products from forest plantations

Mariano A

vol. 21, pp. 55-59 - online: Jun 23, 2024 - doi: 10.3832/efor4597-021

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Commentaries & Perspectives

General Direction of mountain economy and forests: the first five years of activity

Stefani A, Romano R

vol. 21, pp. 60-71 - online: Aug 06, 2024 - doi: 10.3832/efor4692-021

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF

Book Reviews (1)


Book Reviews

The role of Quercus trojana Webb in the biodiversity of Murgia Materana Park

Castellaneta M

vol. 21, pp. 7 - online: Jan 16, 2024 - doi: 10.3832/efor0044-020

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF




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