Forest@ - Rivista di Selvicoltura ed Ecologia Forestale Ultimi lavori pubblicati Copyright (c) 2004-2025, Italian Society of Silviculture an Forest Ecology. All rights reserved it PHP 7.3.1 60 Forest@ Web Site Commenti & Prospettive: Qualche riflessione sul restauro della “foresta di travi di legno” di Notre Dame e l’attuale offerta formativa sulle scienze forestali e ambientali alla luce delle nuove direttive europee <p><b>Abstract</b>: The recent restoration of Notre Dame Cathedral’s “Forest of Wooden Beams” exemplifies the enduring relevance of traditional construction methods and forest science in contemporary architecture. This monumental project, recently completed, utilized about 2,400 carefully selected oak beams, showcasing centuries-old French forestry practices rooted in meticulous silviculture. These practices, dating back to Colbert (1619-1683), produce high-quality timber with fine texture and uniform growth patterns, meeting today’s stringent structural standards. In light of recent European regulations, solid wood in construction has gained new importance, with Harvested Wood Products (HWPs) playing a crucial role in climate change mitigation. This intersection of traditional silvicultural practices and environmental concerns highlights forestry’s evolving role in sustainable development. Forestry and Environmental Sciences graduates are well-equipped to address these challenges, but require supportive policies to fully utilize their skills. The Notre Dame restoration underscores the need to adapt forest science education to meet contemporary sustainability challenges. By combining historical knowledge with modern scientific understanding, we can ensure the continued relevance of forest management and pave the way for innovative approaches to construction and environmental stewardship. </p><p><b>Keywords</b>:  Silviculture, Timber, Oaks, Forestry and Environmental Sciences (SFA), Graduates, Carbon Credit, HWPs, Wood </p><p><i>Forest@ 22 (1): 1-2 (2025) </i> - doi: 10.3832/efor0040-021<br/><a href="" target="_blank"> </a> </p><hr size="1"/> Romagnoli M, Agrimi M, Togni M Commenti & Prospettive 2025-01-11 Copyright (c) 2025, Italian Society of Silviculture an Forest Ecology. All rights reserved Commenti & Prospettive: 34th European Dendroecological Fieldweek 2024 - Report <p><b>Abstract</b>: The 34th European Dendroecological Fieldweek was held in Bardonecchia (TO), Italy, from August 23rd to 30th. The European Dendroecological Fieldweek is a summer school for students and young researchers interested in exploring and deepening the theme of dendrochronology and all its declinations. This year, the participants were divided into several groups to develop original projects on different topics, from dendroecology to dendroclimatology, dendroarchaeology, and wood anatomy. In addition to the scientific aspects, this summer school allowed researchers from all the world to meet and exchange knowledge. </p><p><b>Keywords</b>:  Ecology, Dendrochronology, Climate, Summer School, Young Researchers, Bardonecchia </p><p><i>Forest@ 22 (1): 3-4 (2025) </i> - doi: 10.3832/efor4755-021<br/><a href="" target="_blank"> </a> </p><hr size="1"/> Maimone F, Gamba R, Bono A Commenti & Prospettive 2025-01-11 Copyright (c) 2025, Italian Society of Silviculture an Forest Ecology. All rights reserved Commenti & Prospettive: Bibliometria e selvicoltura <p><b>Abstract</b>: Based on the evidence from the recently updated list of the most influential forestry researchers worldwide from a bibliometric perspective, along with other analyses, this note offers some reflections in the form of a brief, commented discussion on the need for greater recognition of experimental research in silviculture. </p><p><b>Keywords</b>:  Forestry, Scientific Publishing, Bibliometric Impact, Silvicultural Research, Italy </p><p><i>Forest@ 21 (6): 80-81 (2024) </i> - doi: 10.3832/efor4759-021<br/><a href="" target="_blank"> </a> </p><hr size="1"/> Corona P Commenti & Prospettive 2024-12-20 Copyright (c) 2025, Italian Society of Silviculture an Forest Ecology. All rights reserved Commenti & Prospettive: Foreste nel futuro - No forest, no future <p><b>Abstract</b>: The paper examines the crucial role of forests in regulating climate and biodiversity, proposing management and conservation approaches to address the climate crisis and maintain the planet’s balance. Migration to another planet is not feasible in the near term due to vast distances, the human body’s inability to thrive for extended periods outside of Earth-like conditions, and the necessity of co-evolving with a planet’s biodiversity. Biodiversity loss may be a primary driver of ongoing climate change, as living organisms profoundly influence Earth’s climate. Forest “structure” could bridge systemic and naturalistic forestry, providing a reference model for forest management, potentially including future space exploration. The humipedon, or topsoil layer, changes with tree age, preparing the next forest generation through the action of soil fauna. Prescribed burns should be limited to extreme cases to avoid negative impacts on biodiversity and soil function. To protect at least some primary forests (Intact Forest Landscapes), an economic incentive could be established for countries that preserve them, recognizing them as an inviolable planetary asset. Expanding existing forests by 25% could remove half of the CO2‚ released over the past 50 years, addressing half of the pressing climate issue. Finally, while space exploration remains compelling, a non-conflicting priority should be the restoration of planetary biodiversity. This would allow us to pursue space aspirations to connect with the distant universe as a source of biodiversity rather than as an escape from an environment we have made inhospitable to human life. </p><p><b>Keywords</b>:  Antropocene, Cambiamento Climatico, Humus Forestale, Intact Forest Landscape, Foreste Primarie, Foreste Nello Spazio, Space-it Up </p><p><i>Forest@ 21 (6): 82-92 (2024) </i> - doi: 10.3832/efor4729-021<br/><a href="" target="_blank"> </a> </p><hr size="1"/> Zanella A Commenti & Prospettive 2024-12-20 Copyright (c) 2025, Italian Society of Silviculture an Forest Ecology. All rights reserved Recensioni: Un libro da leggere, da far leggere, da consultare e riconsultare <p><b>Abstract</b>: A useful glossary to describe the forest in a simple and scientifically correct way and to explain its importance for the future of our society. </p><p><b>Keywords</b>:  Forests, Glossary, Accuracy, Meaning </p><p><i>Forest@ 21 (5): 78-79 (2024) </i> - doi: 10.3832/efor0041-021<br/><a href="" target="_blank"> </a> </p><hr size="1"/> Stefani A Recensioni 2024-09-26 Copyright (c) 2025, Italian Society of Silviculture an Forest Ecology. All rights reserved Rassegne: La gestione dei residui forestali nel quadro normativo italiano: un’analisi dei regolamenti di Regioni e Provincie Autonome <p><b>Abstract</b>: Forest residues include branches, tops, and the material remaining following utilization operations. They play a fundamental role in our ecosystems by influencing the presence and abundance of micro- and macronutrients, reducing erosion, and increasing the level of both plant and animal biodiversity. The Italian regulatory framework for forest management, composed of a constellation of rules from different institutional levels, places the regulation for the management of forest residues in the forest under the competence of the Regions and Autonomous Provinces, and this results in a very articulated picture of the situation on the ground. We analyzed the regulations of local authorities regarding the management of forest prescriptions and rules to provide a general overview throughout the country. Seven categories of interest (size, quantity, placement, burning, timing, prohibitions, and waivers) were identified. Results show that in four Italian regions (i.e., Abruzzo, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Molise and Valle d’Aosta) there is no indication referring to forest residue management. For the remaining Regions and Provinces the situation is fairly homogeneous in terms of the presence of regulations for the categories of placement, burning, timing and prohibitions. In contrast, for the categories of size and waivers, there is little or almost no regulation and for the category of quantity, regulation is fully lacking. </p><p><b>Keywords</b>:  Forest Residues, Biomass, Forest Management, Forest Regulations, Stakeholder </p><p><i>Forest@ 21 (5): 72-77 (2024) </i> - doi: 10.3832/efor4638-021<br/><a href="" target="_blank"> </a> </p><hr size="1"/> Casera I, Udali A, Gatto P Rassegne 2024-09-07 Copyright (c) 2025, Italian Society of Silviculture an Forest Ecology. All rights reserved Commenti & Prospettive: Direzione generale dell’economia montana e delle foreste: i primi cinque anni di attività <p><b>Abstract</b>: With the incorporation of the State Forest Corps into the Carabinieri Corps and the establishment at the Ministry of Agriculture of the “General Direction of Forests” in November 2017, later renamed “General Direction of Mountain Economy and Forests” (DIFOR), many things have changed in the national and regional forestry sector, as forestry has been gradually given a new political and institutional status. DIFOR has initiated an unprecedented process of dialogue and discussion with the different institutions pertaining in the field, as well as the main stakeholders of the sector and the civil society. During the first five years of the Direction’s activity, efforts have been made to overcome the institutional inaction which was characterizing the former periods, by implementating an important and long-awaited regulatory reform of the national forestry sector (Legislative Decree no. 34 of 2018 - TUFF), defining a National Forestry Strategy (SFN) and establishing specific funds for priority issues in the forestry sector. Above all, many controversial issues were addressed through the TUFF enforcement decrees, and in the acts and actions of DIFOR as well, strengthening its role of national leadership and coordination in the regional application of the constitutional principles; hence, an unparalleled reform plan has taken place. This document reviews the work carried out and the operational implications which have arisen from its implementation, setting a new path for the development of the Italian forestry sector. </p><p><b>Keywords</b>:  Forests, Forest Supply Chains, Governance, Participation, Sharing, Strategic direction, Institutional coordination </p><p><i>Forest@ 21 (4): 60-71 (2024) </i> - doi: 10.3832/efor4692-021<br/><a href="" target="_blank"> </a> </p><hr size="1"/> Stefani A, Romano R Commenti & Prospettive 2024-08-06 Copyright (c) 2025, Italian Society of Silviculture an Forest Ecology. All rights reserved Articoli Scientifici: Gli indicatori microbici come nuovi mezzi per valutare il potenziale delle colture legnose nel sequestro del carbonio organico del suolo e nella valorizzazione delle risorse naturali <p><b>Abstract</b>: Molecular techniques for studying soil microorganisms allow to quantify the presence of specific functional groups from the total soil DNA and thus to assess their dynamic in response to the land use. Using this approach, a study was carried out to assess the increase the soil organic carbon (C) of arable land in the central Po Valley with three woody species (white willow, black locust, hybrid poplar) in short rotation forestry. Being fungi the most involved microorganisms in the C-cycle and representing the larger part of microbial biomass in volume, total fungi e the two most widespread main fungal degraders in the upper soil layer (Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes) were used as indicators of the effectiveness of land use in increasing soil organic C. An innovative molecular technique (SYBR® Green I dye on the QuantStudio™ 3D digital PCR system) which allows to overcome the critical issues associated with the relatively low concentration of fungal DNA compared to that of bacteria was used. Compared to the ploughed soil, total organic carbon (TOC), microbial biomass and enzyme activities increased significantly in the woody plantations. However, TOC increased to different degrees among the woody species. White willow and black locust showed a greater increase in soil TOC than arable (+30 and 20% respectively), followed by hybrid poplar with a smaller increase of +12%. The increases in soil TOC in the three plantations were not correlated with the total woody mass, assessed 15 years after abandonment. Total fungi and Ascomycetes were highly correlated with microbial biomass and TOC, while Basidiomycetes were not. Ascomycetes, which commonly prevail in agricultural soils, were still the most abundant even after a short rotation forest cycle of 15 years and can be taken as good indicator of C sequestration activities into the soil. Soil tillage strongly reduced the content of Basidiomycetes and short rotation forestry managed to increase it at least 4-5 times over a 15-year cycle of short rotation forestry, suggesting that it can act as a qualitative indicator of C sequestration. Since Basidiomycetes have different biological and morphological characteristics than Ascomycetes, combining them (i.e., as Ascomicetes:Basidiomycetes ratio) seems to be a good option for choosing the most suitable woody species for carbon accumulation in agricultural soils. </p><p><b>Keywords</b>:  Soil Fungi, Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes, Short Rotation Forestry, Hybrid Populus (Populus × canadensis), White Willow (Salix alba L.), Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) </p><p><i>Forest@ 21 (3): 48-54 (2024) </i> - doi: 10.3832/efor4610-021<br/><a href="" target="_blank"> </a> </p><hr size="1"/> Manici LM, Paletto A, Caputo F, Fornasier F, Ceotto E, De Meo I Articoli Scientifici 2024-06-23 Copyright (c) 2025, Italian Society of Silviculture an Forest Ecology. All rights reserved Commenti & Prospettive: La dovuta diligenza dei prodotti dell’arboricoltura da legno <p><b>Abstract</b>: In the European Union, the marketing of timber and timber products has long been subject to compliance with the legality requirements set out in EU Timber Regulation 995/2010 (EUTR), which introduces for the first time forest due diligence into EU environmental legislation. The even more innovative EU Regulation 2023/1115 (EU Deforestation Regulation - EUDR), which will enter into force on 30 December 2024, adds to the well-established due diligence procedures, the obligation to geolocate timber harvesting areas and to verify the absence of deforestation and forest degradation. Forest plantations unrelated to these phenomena contributes to alleviating anthropogenic pressure on natural forests, producing quantitatively and qualitatively significant shares of raw material. In the future, given the growing global demand for wood, plantation forestry is set to play an increasingly strategic role, provided it is balanced with other land uses and respects natural ecosystems. Subject to these conditions, the regulatory compliance of plantation timber is easier to prove than that of material from natural forests, which are subject to suitably more limiting utilization restrictions. This implies a de facto simplification of the compulsory due diligence required to minimize the environmental and legality risks considered in the current EU legislation, and this paper aims to demonstrate the reasons why. </p><p><b>Keywords</b>:  Due Diligence, Deforestation, Forest Degradation, Timber Production, Forest Plantations, EUTR Regulation, EUDR Regulation </p><p><i>Forest@ 21 (3): 55-59 (2024) </i> - doi: 10.3832/efor4597-021<br/><a href="" target="_blank"> </a> </p><hr size="1"/> Mariano A Commenti & Prospettive 2024-06-23 Copyright (c) 2025, Italian Society of Silviculture an Forest Ecology. All rights reserved Commenti & Prospettive: Governare gli incendi in Italia: superare l’emergenza, pianificare la prevenzione <p><b>Abstract</b>: Wildfires represent a critical environmental and social challenge, with long-term implications for human health, ecosystems, and infrastructure. This complex issue is exacerbated by various factors, including socioeconomic changes, unsustainable practices in agro-forestry land management, and the intensification of extreme weather events. The complexity of fire management in Italy necessitates effective governance mechanisms and planning tools at both regional and national levels. This study looks at successful prevention strategies, such as prescribed burning and proactive land management, while also addressing existing governance challenges, such as coordination among relevant institutions and the need for stronger regulatory frameworks. In addition to providing insights into the current state of fire governance and proposing practical solutions, we suggest that more resilient and sustainable fire management practices, already successfully implemented in some regions, should be adopted nationwide in Italy. </p><p><b>Keywords</b>:  Wildfires, Governance, Prevention Strategies, Sustainable Fire Management </p><p><i>Forest@ 21 (3): 37-47 (2024) </i> - doi: 10.3832/efor4606-021<br/><a href="" target="_blank"> </a> </p><hr size="1"/> La Mela Veca DS, Piroli E, Bacciu V, Barbera G, Brunori A, Calvani G, Delogu GM, Elia M, La Mantia T, Laschi A, Lovreglio R, Masiero M, Salis M, Tonarelli L, Motta R, Ascoli D Commenti & Prospettive 2024-05-08 Copyright (c) 2025, Italian Society of Silviculture an Forest Ecology. All rights reserved Rassegne: Prendersi cura dei boschi di un’area interna nell’era del cambiamento climatico: il caso della Basilicata <p><b>Abstract</b>: This study provides an overview of the forests of Basilicata, Southern Italy, including their recent history, dominant forest types, current management, and vulnerability to climate change and wildfire. It outlines silvicultural and management proposals that can be implemented in the new forest plan that the Basilicata Region is about to adopt. The proposals are based on the principle of adaptive management to support forest functionality, biodiversity and ecosystem services. Silvicultural methods include continuous cover forestry, natural regeneration, species richness and functional diversity, structural diversification, imitation of natural disturbances, tree retention to increase biodiversity. The characteristics of the forest-wood supply chain have been analyzed, highlighting weaknesses and possible improvements. </p><p><b>Keywords</b>:  Forest Management Plan, Silviculture, Climate Change, Wildfires, Forest-Wood Supply Chain, Basilicata, Italy </p><p><i>Forest@ 21 (2): 10-36 (2024) </i> - doi: 10.3832/efor0042-021<br/><a href="" target="_blank"> </a> </p><hr size="1"/> Borghetti M, Ferrara A, Moretti N, Nolè A, Pierangeli D, Ripullone F, Todaro L Rassegne 2024-03-28 Copyright (c) 2025, Italian Society of Silviculture an Forest Ecology. All rights reserved Editoriali: Vent’anni dopo <p><b>Abstract</b>: Forest@, the open access journal of the Italian Society of Silviculture and Forest Ecology (SISEF), was launched in 2004. This note provides a short overview of the developments in scientific publishing over the past twenty years, with a focus on the consolidation of the open access model. We discuss the status of the two SISEF journals regarding the following aspects: the international journal, iForest-Biogeosciences and Forestry, has a broad readership and attracts interest in developing countries; the Italian-language journal, Forest@, has seen a decrease in the number of manuscripts submitted each year. </p><p><b>Keywords</b>:  Scientific Publishing, Open Access, Article Processing Charge, Forest, Journal, SISEF </p><p><i>Forest@ 21 (1): 8-9 (2024) </i> - doi: 10.3832/efor0043-021<br/><a href="" target="_blank"> </a> </p><hr size="1"/> Borghetti M, Bucci G Editoriali 2024-01-27 Copyright (c) 2025, Italian Society of Silviculture an Forest Ecology. All rights reserved Articoli Scientifici: Incendi boschivi in Italia: analisi del fenomeno in mezzo secolo di osservazioni <p><b>Abstract</b>: In Italy, starting from late spring and throughout the summer, the public debate focuses on the phenomenon of forest fires. For some years now, a further issue has been included in the debate: the anthropogenic climate change, as a contributing cause of exacerbation (or extremization) of the forest fire phenomenon. Italy, like other countries in the Mediterranean basin, has always been affected by forest fires, albeit with different intensity and frequency depending on the Region. In this study, on one hand, I analyze the dynamics of forest fires starting from 1970 and up to 2021 and, on the other, I try to highlight the ongoing trends. From the observation of the time series it can be seen that over 52 years forest fires in Italy have been quite variable. Overall, the worst period was from 1970 to 1995, while in the most recent period (1996-2021) an improvement was recorded. In the long period, the observed variables showed significant decreasing trends in terms of average, while in the short term showed less defined trends. For both the annual burnt area and number of fires, there is no tendency towards exacerbation, neither in the long nor in the short period. In contrast, the burnt area per fire shows a significant increasing trend of extremization in the most recent period (1996-2021), i.e., a lower number of fires caused larger burnt areas. As highlighted by the results, the recent increasing trend of extremization can not be neglegted, however, with respect to its origin, the co-occurrence of independent factors can not be excluded. Likewise, even where no significant trend has been detected, the presence of an underlying climatic forcing cannot be ruled out. </p><p><b>Keywords</b>:  Forest Fires, Anthropogenic Climate Change, Time Series, Trend, Extreme Events </p><p><i>Forest@ 21 (1): 1-6 (2024) </i> - doi: 10.3832/efor4479-020<br/><a href="" target="_blank"> </a> </p><hr size="1"/> Notarangelo M Articoli Scientifici 2024-01-16 Copyright (c) 2025, Italian Society of Silviculture an Forest Ecology. All rights reserved Recensioni: Un libro interessante alla scoperta del fragno nel Parco della Murgia Materana <p><b>Abstract</b>: The book “The role of Quercus trojana Webb in the biodiversity of Murgia Materana Park”, by Enrico L. De Capua, offers a comprehensive overview of the park’s biodiversity, with a particular focus on Quercus trojana Webb. </p><p><b>Keywords</b>:  Biodiversity, Preservation, Oak Tree, Development, Protection, Vulnerability </p><p><i>Forest@ 21 (1): 7 (2024) </i> - doi: 10.3832/efor0044-020<br/><a href="" target="_blank"> </a> </p><hr size="1"/> Castellaneta M Recensioni 2024-01-16 Copyright (c) 2025, Italian Society of Silviculture an Forest Ecology. All rights reserved Articoli Scientifici: Storia di degrado e di rinascita di una pineta costiera <p><b>Abstract</b>: Climatic variations are events that can cause the colonization of new areas or new hosts, favored by an increase in the growth rates of the parasites. For some years the pine forests of the Domitian coast, in Southern Italy, have been endangered due to the aggression by the cochineal Toumeyella parvicornis (Cockerell). Observation using remote sensing techniques has been useful for identifying infested areas and defining the damage caused by the insect pests presence. </p><p><b>Keywords</b>:  Pine Forests, Pests, Monitoring, Satellite Images, Environmental Restoration </p><p><i>Forest@ 20 (5): 73-80 (2023) </i> - doi: 10.3832/efor4386-020<br/><a href="" target="_blank"> </a> </p><hr size="1"/> Calandrelli MM, Migliozzi A Articoli Scientifici 2023-10-25 Copyright (c) 2025, Italian Society of Silviculture an Forest Ecology. All rights reserved Articoli Scientifici: Stima del valore paesaggistico di aree forestali interessate da danni da vento nella Foresta di Vallombrosa <p><b>Abstract</b>: In November 2013 and in March 2015 the Vallombrosa Forest was affected by high intensity windstorms, with gusts of over 160 km h-1. Windstorms caused significant damages to the forest stands, involving in particular silver fir woods (Abies alba Mill.), the most widespread forest typology over the entire surface of the forest. These meteorological events led to the removal of several hectares of tree cover, causing inevitable ecological, economic and social consequences; however, they also opened new hidden landscapes and created new habitats potentially useful for species linked to open environments. Within these premises, the study was aimed to estimate the monetary value of the new landscape created by windstorms in some forest units of the Vallombrosa Forest. The method is based on survey implemented by Contingent Valuation technique and willingness to pay (WTP) for the maintenance of the opening created in the forest. The majority of interviewed resulted willing to pay for the new landscape and mainly with amounts between 1 and 150 euros year-1. Assuming different potential annual users and capitalization rates, the landscape value of the study areas was estimated between 419,902 and 37,314,877 euros. The study (with suggested improvements) can be considered a methodological basis, aiming to support the decision making processes about the planning of the study areas in the perspective of integrated management of forest ecosystem services. </p><p><b>Keywords</b>:  Windstorm, Landscape Value, Contingent Valuation Method, Vallombrosa Forest, Cultural Ecosystem Services </p><p><i>Forest@ 20 (4): 67-72 (2023) </i> - doi: 10.3832/efor4426-020<br/><a href="" target="_blank"> </a> </p><hr size="1"/> Biancone F, Galipò G, Sacchelli S Articoli Scientifici 2023-08-24 Copyright (c) 2025, Italian Society of Silviculture an Forest Ecology. All rights reserved Articoli Scientifici: Tavole di cubatura e laser scanner terrestre: l’innovazione tecnologica al servizio della dendrometria <p><b>Abstract</b>: Ecologically and economically sustainable planning of forest resources requires tools capable of providing estimates with adequate accuracy on volume, biomass and woody increments. Interest in these attributes has increased since the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change has been given a further boost by the birth of the carbon credit market in the early 2000s. However, the data collection necessary to formulate allometric models for estimating wood volume is challenging, both due to the considerable amount of data required and because the necessary destructive measurements are very laborious. Furthermore, given the great structural, managerial and environmental diversity that characterizes the Italian forests, the sample size for the development of allometric models must necessarily be large. Over the years, all these aspects have led to a progressive abandonment of measurements in the forests for the production of volume tables. Recent applications of the terrestrial laser scanner (TLS) for collecting dimensional information on trees have demonstrated their effectiveness. In this study we present the work carried out in the autumn/winter 2022-2023 for the creation of new volume tables for the black pine forests in Vallombrosa (FI - Central Italy), based on data collected with a TLS. The study involved the same pine forests studied in 1969 for the production of volume tables in Vallombrosa. After showing the methods and analyzes needed to obtain the volume tables, the paper discusses the results in comparison with those produced in 1969. </p><p><b>Keywords</b>:  Allometric Equations, Precision Forestry, Digitization, Dendrometry, Forest Management, Forest Planning </p><p><i>Forest@ 20 (3): 61-66 (2023) </i> - doi: 10.3832/efor4401-020<br/><a href="" target="_blank"> </a> </p><hr size="1"/> Puletti N, Guasti M, Innocenti S, Scotti R Articoli Scientifici 2023-07-24 Copyright (c) 2025, Italian Society of Silviculture an Forest Ecology. All rights reserved Commenti & Prospettive: Foreste digitali: innovazioni e opportunità <p><b>Abstract</b>: The forestry sector in Italy is facing issues related to the need to make the most of environmental, territorial and socio-economic opportunities. The research is called upon to translate technological advances into practical applications, even in the field of geomatics and information and communication technologies. The exploitation of precision technologies can foster innovation and the improvement of management processes as well as the development of new products useful for forest owners, entrepreneurs, forest technicians and citizens, with benefits for the quality of forest production, the reduction of production costs and the reduction of environmental and social impacts. This note provides a brief overview of precision technologies applied to forest farm-scale monitoring, silviculture management, logging, poplar farming, forest nursery and forest product traceability. </p><p><b>Keywords</b>:  Precision Forestry, Forest Geomatics, Information And Communication Technologies </p><p><i>Forest@ 20 (2): 52-60 (2023) </i> - doi: 10.3832/efor4353-020<br/><a href="" target="_blank"> </a> </p><hr size="1"/> Corona P, Costa C, Barbetti R, Bergante S, Cesaretti L, Chiarabaglio Pier M, Chirici G, Giannetti F, Ferrara C, Gennaro M, Guasti M, Laschi A, Mariotti B, Marra E, Mattioli W, Puletti N, Marchi E Commenti & Prospettive 2023-04-17 Copyright (c) 2025, Italian Society of Silviculture an Forest Ecology. All rights reserved Comunicazioni Brevi: Resilienza, plasticità e dinamiche delle pinete di pino d’Aleppo <p><b>Abstract</b>: Post-fire natural regeneration of Aleppo pine forest in the Gargano promontory (Southern Italy) is documented by means of photographs taken soon after fire and some years later. The potential of pine for adaptation to climate change and fire disturbance through its phenotypic plasticity is highlighted, and future dynamics of Aleppo pine forests and management perspectives are considered. </p><p><b>Keywords</b>:  Wildfire, Natural Regeneration, Climate Change, Forest Management </p><p><i>Forest@ 20 (2): 48-51 (2023) </i> - doi: 10.3832/efor0045-019<br/><a href="" target="_blank"> </a> </p><hr size="1"/> Borghetti M, Moretti N Comunicazioni Brevi 2023-04-02 Copyright (c) 2025, Italian Society of Silviculture an Forest Ecology. All rights reserved Articoli Scientifici: Il modello di gestione della rete Natura 2000 in Puglia: opinioni e aspettative dei portatori d’interesse <p><b>Abstract</b>: The implementation of integrated approach in the management of sites of the Natura 2000 network presupposes the stakeholders’ involvement to efficiently combine the nature conservation at the sites with the main human activities (tourism-recreational, agricultural and forestry activities). The aim of this study is to investigate the main strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the current management model of the Natura 2000 network in the Puglia region through the stakeholders’ opinions and point of views. To this end, a semi-structured questionnaire was face-to-face administered to 27 stakeholders (61.4% of identified stakeholders). From a methodological point of view, a SWOT-AHP analysis was implemented to identify a ranking of individual strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats related to the management of the Natura 2000 network in Puglia. In addition, a social network analysis was developed to understand the efficiency of current network of relationships in the management of Natura 2000 network and the potential for improvement in a future network. The results show the need to increase the level of inclusiveness in decision-making processes related to the management of the Natura 2000 network. Furthermore, the results of this study show the scarcity of human and financial resources available to managers as a key factor on which to intervene (weakness point). Finally, particular attention should be paid to the main threat underlined by the interviewees: the loss and fragmentation of habitats due to anthropic causes and abiotic factors. </p><p><b>Keywords</b>:  Nature Conservation, Natura 2000 Sites, Integrated Approach, Social Network Analysis, SWOT Analysis </p><p><i>Forest@ 20 (2): 39-47 (2023) </i> - doi: 10.3832/efor4290-020<br/><a href="" target="_blank"> </a> </p><hr size="1"/> Tucci G, Notaro S, Paletto A Articoli Scientifici 2023-03-29 Copyright (c) 2025, Italian Society of Silviculture an Forest Ecology. All rights reserved Articoli Scientifici: I boschi vetusti nel Parco del Pollino: situazione attuale e prospettive future <p><b>Abstract</b>: Old-growth forests have a primary environmental and ecological value, as they closely recall primeval forests and the natural forest landscape that was spread throughout Italy and Europe before man intervention heavily altered the functioning of most natural ecosystems. These ecosystems are more and more recognized as keystones of environmental policies (i.e., the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030) aimed to preserve biodiversity and mitigate the impacts of climate change. A recent report highlights that Europe’s old-growth forests account for only 3 percent of the overall forest surface. The majority of italian old-growth forests are located along the Apennines, especially in the Pollino, Sila and Aspromonte National Parks, in remote montane areas characterized by irregular topographical conditions (i.e., high slopes and/or shallow soils) which hamper the access and exploitation of these less productive stands, thus allowing the survival of old-growth forests for many centuries. The ongoing climate change is a significant challenge to the conservation of old-growth forests, particularly in areas such as the Mediterranean basin, where an intensification of extreme climate events is expected. Heat waves can exacerbate drought’s negative impacts on tree growth and survival, leading to reduced woody carbon stocks and biodiversity in old-growth forests. To date, there is poor understanding of such highly valuable and extremely fragile natural ecosystems in Italy. Insights are available based on data gathered as part of two research programs, funded by the Italian Ministry of the Environment and Land and Sea Protection, with the purpose of creating a Network of Old Growth Forests in Italy’s National Parks. In this study, we aimed to highlight the role and importance of old-growth forests, focusing on those located within the Pollino National Park. A comprehensive overview of the key strengths and weaknesses, that mark these peculiar forest ecosystems, was followed by a discussion of the future outlook, grounded on strategies that will ensure not only the protection and conservation of these ecosystems, but also their development and promotion. </p><p><b>Keywords</b>:  Biodiversity, Natural Ecosystem, Forest Management, Old-growth Forests, Structural Heterogeneity </p><p><i>Forest@ 20 (1): 22-29 (2023) </i> - doi: 10.3832/efor4303-020<br/><a href="" target="_blank"> </a> </p><hr size="1"/> Castellaneta M, Schettino A, Travascia D, Lapolla A, Colangelo M, Marchianò V, Bernardo L, Gargano D, Passalacqua N, Rivelli AR, Misano G, Regina L, Maradei V, Digilio S, Viggiano P, Ripullone F Articoli Scientifici 2023-02-16 Copyright (c) 2025, Italian Society of Silviculture an Forest Ecology. All rights reserved Articoli Scientifici: Quadro della digitalizzazione del sistema istituzionale forestale nazionale. Il punto al 2020 <p><b>Abstract</b>: Digitization is a priority objective on the Italian government’s agenda, yet international indicators recognise a low level of implementation in Italy. The delegation of jurisdiction on forestry to the various Regions and Autonomous Provinces (R&PA), the involvement of numerous institutions with indirect authority and the absence of a national coordination structure may explain the backwardness that characterizes the Italian forestry system today. In this study, an initiative was undertaken to investigate the computerization and digitization in the forestry sector. Basic information was collected by conducting interviews and scrutinizing the websites of the R&PA, with the aim of defining the degree and level of digitization of each R&PA, and thus of the national forestry system. Few R&PAs have a high degree of digitization, while none reach an advanced level, with a decreasing gradient along the North-South axis. The national digital forestry system is characterized by a degree of 0.74 and a level of 2.24. </p><p><b>Keywords</b>:  Innovation and Communication Technologies, Index of Degree and Index of Level, Regional Forestry Platforms, Ri.Selv.Italia Project </p><p><i>Forest@ 20 (1): 30-38 (2023) </i> - doi: 10.3832/efor4265-020<br/><a href="" target="_blank"> </a> </p><hr size="1"/> Carbone F, Alivernini A, Bascietto M, Oreti L, Barbarese F Articoli Scientifici 2023-02-16 Copyright (c) 2025, Italian Society of Silviculture an Forest Ecology. All rights reserved Editoriali: In ricordo del Prof. Giovanni Bernetti (1934-2022) <p><b>Abstract</b>: Giovanni Bernetti passed away on 21 December 2022. For several decades he taught forest mensuration, forest management and silviculture at the University of Firenze. Remembering him as a master, with whom I shared an entire professional life arouses emotions that are not easy to communicate. Giovanni Bernetti is to be considered among the great masters of Italian forest sciences. As a keen interpreter of forest dynamics and management, he disseminated his deep knowledge in several books and seminal papers of high scientific and professional influence as well. Thank you so much indeed, Prof. Bernetti, for your great cultural and scientific legacy. </p><p><b>Keywords</b>:  Silviculture, Forest management, Ecology, University of Florence, Italy </p><p><i>Forest@ 20 (1): 20-21 (2023) </i> - doi: 10.3832/efor0046-020<br/><a href="" target="_blank"> </a> </p><hr size="1"/> La Marca O Editoriali 2023-01-18 Copyright (c) 2025, Italian Society of Silviculture an Forest Ecology. All rights reserved Commenti & Prospettive: Suolo, humipedon e gestione forestale <p><b>Abstract</b>: Forest soil is a living and important part of the forest. It is essential for the development and reproduction of plants and for the evolution of the entire ecosystem. Proper management of the forest must also take into account the vitality and biodiversity of the soil. Due to an erroneous and non-biological conception of soil, and consequent difficulty in linking the physical aspect to the biological functioning of this complex ecosystem, the official soil classification of the last 30 years has abandoned the original link with climate, vegetation and the ecology of the environment in which soil evolves and coexists. In recent years the soil profile was divided into three sections (Humipedon, Copedon and Lithopedon), and it was then possible to link the first and most biological section of the soil to the characteristics of the environment and to its genesis. In particular, it is now possible to distinguish organic horizons generated essentially by arthropods and enchytraeids in cold and acidic or dry and arid environments, from organo-mineral horizons created by earthworms in more temperate and mesotrophic situations. Each set of horizons can be assigned to a system or form of humus, with important implications for forestry. For example, earthworms are more present in the early and late stages of sylvogenesis; by completely recycling the litter, they accelerate the provision of the organic and inorganic nutrients of the soil to the roots and the pedofauna. In general, it is now possible to associate a humus system with a given environment, with a spatial and temporal scale suitable for forest management. This paper promotes a more in-depth knowledge of the soil, to encourage foresters to take care of even half of the forest under their boots. </p><p><b>Keywords</b>:  Humus, Soil, Humipedon, Soil Dynamics, Forms of Humus, Spruce Forest </p><p><i>Forest@ 20 (1): 13-19 (2023) </i> - doi: 10.3832/efor4293-020<br/><a href="" target="_blank"> </a> </p><hr size="1"/> Zampedri R, Zanella A, Giannini R Commenti & Prospettive 2023-01-15 Copyright (c) 2025, Italian Society of Silviculture an Forest Ecology. All rights reserved Articoli Scientifici: Cambiamenti climatici in atto: osservazioni sugli impatti degli eventi siccitosi sulle foreste toscane <p><b>Abstract</b>: The empirical observation of the impacts of drought and heat waves that occurred between 2017 and 2022 in several forest areas of Tuscany allowed to describe various processes and effects on forest trees and shrubs. The most severe impacts were observed on the evergreen Mediterranean tall woodlands and the aged coppices (on holm oak trees), causing defoliation and even mortality. In most cases, the attempts of resprouting from dormant buds (from the base of the tree trunk or in the crown), following the drought events, were not successful. Deciduous broad-leaved trees (beech, downy oak) suffered a strong summer defoliation, especially on steep slopes with shallow soils and south-facing aspect. These species were generally able to replenish the foliage the following year. In the most unfavorable conditions, however, we observed extensive attacks of opportunistic parasites, such as the fungi of the genus Biscogniauxia, which were favored by drought and were the ultimate cause of mortality. Turkey oak showed mortality in small groups or individual trees. Heat and drought also affected several minor tree species, with defoliation, desiccation and, in the most serious causes, death of the tree. Some meso-hygrophilous species that are restricted with relict populations to specific microclimatic sites within the Mediterranean and sub-Mediterranean habitats were also impacted, with consequences on biodiversity, regeneration, and production of fruits for wildlife. Increasing drought and heat will trigger regressive dynamic processes that will lead in many sites to the transformation of holm oak forests into bushy forms of scrub, and of scrublands into sparse garrigues or even steppes. A more intense natural thinning of aged coppice stands with especially Turkey oak is also occurring, due to the combined effect of drought and intra- or inter-specific competition. The implementation of a regional monitoring system is recommended, based on the integration of past and existing experiences with new initiatives, to quantify the dynamics, extent and severity of the impacts. A crucial point is the need to adapt forestry, and especially utilization of coppice woods, to the changed ecological conditions to avoid increasing the impact on them. </p><p><b>Keywords</b>:  Biodiversity Loss, Biotic Interactions, Defoliation, Heat Waves And Drought, Tree Mortality </p><p><i>Forest@ 20 (1): 1-9 (2023) </i> - doi: 10.3832/efor4224-019<br/><a href="" target="_blank"> </a> </p><hr size="1"/> Bussotti F, Bettini D, Carrari E, Selvi F, Pollastrini M Articoli Scientifici 2023-01-03 Copyright (c) 2025, Italian Society of Silviculture an Forest Ecology. All rights reserved Commenti & Prospettive: Vegetazione, suolo, DNA ed evoluzione naturale <p><b>Abstract</b>: Dialogue with Sandro Pignatti on natural evolution, considering the soil as a living matrix in which the recycling of organic matter and DNA takes place. How vegetation interacts with the soil and how it is not the species that evolve but the ecosystem that contains them. The hypothesis of a still poorly understood genetic exchange in relation to the biodegradation process is raised. Recent research in soil microbiology and biodiversity highlights a functional and primordial collaboration between living beings in the exploitation of natural resources. </p><p><b>Keywords</b>:  Natural Evolution, DNA Recycling, Castelporziano, Soil, Biodiversity </p><p><i>Forest@ 20 (1): 10-12 (2023) </i> - doi: 10.3832/efor4285-019<br/><a href="" target="_blank"> </a> </p><hr size="1"/> Zanella A Commenti & Prospettive 2023-01-03 Copyright (c) 2025, Italian Society of Silviculture an Forest Ecology. All rights reserved Commenti & Prospettive: Un percorso sfidante per la pianificazione forestale in Italia <p><b>Abstract</b>: The recent forestry law in Italy (TUFF) provides that the forest planning system managed by the Regions and the Autonomous Provinces should be, to a certain extent, standardized on a national scale. In this perspective, in order to standardize also the forest planning documents, a specific implementing decree, issued at the end of 2021, provides for common minimum standards at national level. Both the TUFF and the implementing decree are the shared result of a broad and long consultation under both a technical and political profile. However, various regional administrative and technical bodies do not seem fully aware that these decrees do not only set a univocal vision at national level of forest planning tools from a terminological point of view, but also univocally define their technical contents, according to the logic of the minimum national criteria: the Regions and the Autonomous Provinces are now called upon to adapt their regulations and procedures with respect to such terminology and minimum technical contents. </p><p><b>Keywords</b>:  Forest Management Plan, Strategic Forest Plan, Forest Plan Elaboration, Forest Plan Mapping </p><p><i>Forest@ 19 (4): 95-97 (2022) </i> - doi: 10.3832/efor4175-019<br/><a href="" target="_blank"> </a> </p><hr size="1"/> Corona P, Cucca B, Alivernini A Commenti & Prospettive 2022-08-26 Copyright (c) 2025, Italian Society of Silviculture an Forest Ecology. All rights reserved Commenti & Prospettive: La vivaistica forestale in Italia al bivio: sfide e strategie <p><b>Abstract</b>: The recognition of the key role of forests in contrasting the dramatic effects of climate change and biodiversity crisis is the pillar of many initiatives on a global, European, and national scale calling for afforestation campaigns. The Italian forest nursery sector is currently inadequate to meet the demand for tree seedlings for the national campaigns. Forest nursery production is characterized by regional or local companies that are remarkably different from each other in organization and efficiency. It is therefore urgent to develop a comprehensive restructuring of the entire sector to be able to respond to the specific needs of forestry projects in Italy and Europe. In this paper, we present a series of key principles and criteria aimed at guiding the renaissance of the sector. Strategic actions are proposed by integrating research, governance, public/private partnership, training, and communication. The strategic approach presented is based on a collaborative structure integrating various skills and responsibilities. The first step is an expert review of the Basic Materials (BM) included in the National Register thanks to the development of the genetic studies of forest stands and the inclusion of shrub and herbaceous species, essentials for ecosystem restoration projects counteracting the biodiversity crisis. A series of actions concerns the aspects of certification, voluntary or prescriptive, of the quality of BM, and the ultimate harmonization of national production to European standards. Particular importance needs to be devoted to the collection, evaluation, and conservation of seeds to develop innovative solutions both for the production of BM and for specific implementation phases of afforestation projects and ecosystem restoration. The governance phase might be implemented through the creation of interregional centers with the duty of collecting and conserving seeds, thus enhancing the existing experiences of outstanding regional and provincial tree nurseries with the support of the National Centers for the study and conservation of Forest Biodiversity. Furthermore, the promotion of partnerships between public and private companies and the creation of a shared and accessible national platform represent strategic actions of primary importance. A fundamental role is then assigned to the implementation of training programs and the construction of an open and incremental communication plan. Thanks to these actions it will be possible to place forest nurseries at the center of the relationships between tree planting and afforestation plans and programs, integrated forest design, implementation of new forests, and their adaptive management. </p><p><b>Keywords</b>:  Forest Nursery Stock Production, Basic Materials, Forest Genetic Resources, Forest Reproductive Material, Environmental Governance, Active Partnership </p><p><i>Forest@ 19 (4): 85-94 (2022) </i> - doi: 10.3832/efor4193-019<br/><a href="" target="_blank"> </a> </p><hr size="1"/> Mariotti B, Mezzalira G, Allasia E, Fazio F, Fiorentin R, Maltoni A, Marchetti M, Matteucci G, Mori P, Motta R, Piotti A, Rositi A, Sabatti M, Tognetti R, Salbitano F Commenti & Prospettive 2022-08-25 Copyright (c) 2025, Italian Society of Silviculture an Forest Ecology. All rights reserved Articoli Scientifici: Le condizioni delle foreste italiane stanno peggiorando a causa di eventi climatici estremi? Evidenze dalle reti di monitoraggio nazionali ICP Forests - CON.ECO.FOR. <p><b>Abstract</b>: Tree defoliation and mortality are triggered in Europe by extreme climatic events that are recurring since the beginning of XXI century. Data from the ICP Forests monitoring networks reveal a general worsening of tree conditions in the last ten years, as consequence of the drought and heat waves that affected the Southern (2017) and Central Europe (2018-2019). In Italy a significant increase of defoliation and tree mortality, assessed on the extensive (Level I) monitoring network, was observed after the 2017 dry summer, which impacted mainly the broadleaved forests (beech and oak forests) in the peninsular regions. Coniferous forests of the alpine belt were severely impacted in 2021, probably because of the co-occurrence of multiple causes, involving windstorm and bark beetle attacks. Chestnut forests suffer from pest (insect and pathogen) attacks. The intensive (Level II) monitoring network provides cases of study and allows to carry out specific cause-effect studies concerning the physiological effects on the environmental impacts, as well to observe the ecological processes following the disturbing events. Defoliation caused by drought or pest attacks induces the loss of physiological defenses (namely non-structural carbohydrates), that need several years to be restored. Then, the occurrence of more frequent and repeated heat and drought waves can produce irreversible effects. In this view, the long-term forest health monitoring is key to detect the extent and direction of changes in forest structure and composition, and represents an important tool for forest conservation and management. </p><p><b>Keywords</b>:  Defoliation, Drought, Forest Health Monitoring, Heat Waves, ICP Forests, Tree Mortality </p><p><i>Forest@ 19 (4): 74-81 (2022) </i> - doi: 10.3832/efor4134-019<br/><a href="" target="_blank"> </a> </p><hr size="1"/> Bussotti F, Papitto G, Di Martino D, Cocciufa C, Cindolo C, Cenni E, Bettini D, Iacopetti G, Pollastrini M Articoli Scientifici 2022-07-12 Copyright (c) 2025, Italian Society of Silviculture an Forest Ecology. All rights reserved Editoriali: Tutta colpa dei Borboni? Il caso della legge forestale del 1826 <p><b>Abstract</b>: We talk about the 1826 forestry act of the former Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, under Francis I of Bourbon. Those who talk about it, speak ill of it. The so-called “clearcut with reserves”, prescribed by the Bourbon’s act, is thought to have caused the distruction of many southern forests. Here we reason about this act, and suggest the Bourbons took several faults that were not their own. For instance, many forest cuts carried out in southern regions after the unification of Italy (under a new forestry regulatory regime) were defined, officially, as “shelterwood cuts”. However, they were nothing but “clearcut with reserves”. </p><p><b>Keywords</b>:  Forest, Clearcut, Southern Italy, Naples, Kingdom </p><p><i>Forest@ 19 (4): 82-84 (2022) </i> - doi: 10.3832/efor0047-019<br/><a href="" target="_blank"> </a> </p><hr size="1"/> Borghetti M Editoriali 2022-07-12 Copyright (c) 2025, Italian Society of Silviculture an Forest Ecology. All rights reserved Commenti & Prospettive: Verso l’istituzione dell’Albo nazionale delle “Foreste vetuste”: la prospettiva della diversità vegetale del sottobosco <p><b>Abstract</b>: The publication of the Decree that has established the Italian network of old-growth forests opens new opportunities for nature conservation and new challenges for scientists. A fundamental criterion for the identification of old-growth forests is related to a “characteristic biodiversity” due to the absence of disturbances for at least sixty years. In this contribution we mainly discuss shortcomings, potential interpretation and perspectives related to the application of this criterion for the vascular plants living in the understorey. We show that the understorey diversity (both taxonomic and functional) patterns with forest maturity are strongly context-dependent and stand structural features are fundamental drivers. As a consequence, considering the impressive heterogeneity of Italian forests, the strict threshold included in the Decree (sixty years since the last disturbance) can hardly be used to distinguish a “characteristic biodiversity”. Finally, we invite all the Italian scientists dealing with forest ecosystems to strongly collaborate in order to accept the challenge introduced by the Decree. </p><p><b>Keywords</b>:  Forest Policy, Forest Specialist Species, Functional Diversity, Plant Diversity, Species Richness </p><p><i>Forest@ 19 (3): 63-66 (2022) </i> - doi: 10.3832/efor4142-019<br/><a href="" target="_blank"> </a> </p><hr size="1"/> Chelli S, Cervellini M Commenti & Prospettive 2022-06-16 Copyright (c) 2025, Italian Society of Silviculture an Forest Ecology. All rights reserved Articoli Scientifici: Valutazione dei fattori di vulnerabilità della riserva naturale Bosco Pantano di Policoro: l’approccio dinamico SWOT - AHP <p><b>Abstract</b>: The Regional Oriented Reserve “Bosco Pantano”, in the Policoro territory, preserves the testimony of what was one of the most interesting lowland forest formations in Southern Italy, "a fossil" that survived to the uncontrolled land drainage and intensive agriculture occurred in the last century. Therefore, for several millennia, floodplain forests were indiscriminately exploited according to economical demands, even though the risks of biodiversity and habitat losses. The richness of species and ecosystems constitutes a major attribute of our planet, as well as an essential component of the stability of the Earth’ diverse environment. In this context, the aim of our work was to detect, on the basis of data collected through questionnaire, the most relevant factors that might impact on the ecosystem vulnerability of the reserve, either now or in the future, and thus undermine its survival. Once a brief overview of the historical, social and economic background, the hybrid method SWOT - AHP (A’WOT) was implemented. So, the implementation of such method, consisting of four analysis steps, allowed us to categorie the different SWOT factors. Our outcomes highlighted the stakeholders’ common interest in pointing to the unique traits of “Bosco Pantano” lowland forest, in order to ensure preservation and to protect biodiversity. Nevertheless, the findings revealed some critical points, i.e., the poor attention to the weaknesses factors, that may compromise the reserve’ survival. In addition, the results showed a general poor ability to appreciate and benefit from all the positive feedbacks, coming out of research and monitoring activities on the habitat. Hence, we were able to define measures and/or strategies geared to the preservation and valorization of the "Bosco Pantano" of Policoro. Specifically, the focus on multiple intervention lines could be encouranged, by exploiting the biotype’s peculiarity and uniqueness in order to promote the development of sustainable forms of tourism. It may also be advisable to implement projects aiming at the study of the the forest dynamics, as well as to institute control and monitoring organs. Lastly, we should also encourage all dissemination channels and tools in order to improve people’ s environmental awareness. </p><p><b>Keywords</b>:  SWOT-AHP Analysis, Biodiversity, Bosco Pantano, Climate Change, Forest Vulnerability, Management, Stakeholders </p><p><i>Forest@ 19 (3): 67-73 (2022) </i> - doi: 10.3832/efor4133-019<br/><a href="" target="_blank"> </a> </p><hr size="1"/> Travascia D, Castellaneta M, Colucci A, Cirelli G, Lapolla A, Misano G, De Capua E, Rosito M, Ripullone F Articoli Scientifici 2022-06-16 Copyright (c) 2025, Italian Society of Silviculture an Forest Ecology. All rights reserved Commenti & Prospettive: Un nuovo paradigma per la gestione forestale sostenibile: la selvicoltura “più” prossima alla natura <p><b>Abstract</b>: Closer-to-Nature Forest Management is a new concept proposed both in the EU Forest Strategy for 2030 and in the EU Biodiversity strategy for 2030. Closer-to-Nature Forest Management aims to improve the conservation values and climate resilience of multifunctional, managed forests in Europe. We present the concept based on a set of seven guiding principles and discuss main problems and opportunities of its application at continental scale and in Italy. </p><p><b>Keywords</b>:  Silviculture, Forest Management, Biodiversity, European Union, Strategy, Ecosystem Services </p><p><i>Forest@ 19 (3): 52-62 (2022) </i> - doi: 10.3832/efor4124-019<br/><a href="" target="_blank"> </a> </p><hr size="1"/> Motta R, Larsen JB Commenti & Prospettive 2022-05-22 Copyright (c) 2025, Italian Society of Silviculture an Forest Ecology. All rights reserved Editoriali: Prendersi cura dei boschi italiani, se ne parla al prossimo congresso SISEF <p><b>Abstract</b>: Italian forests have expanded considerably in recent decades and accumulated much woody biomass. It opens up new horizons in silviculture and forest management. Recently, we heard some calls for an increase in harvests in Italian forests. However, there are some cautions to be considered. In many cases (large areas in the centre-south of the Italian peninsula, for example), Italian forests start from conditions in which the woody biomass stock was very low due to over-exploitation, which lasted many centuries. This makes the path towards ecosystem functionality and safety long and uncertain. The climate crisis also advises against considering the current dynamics of growth and carbon uptake as granted. We recognize that the Italian furniture industry needs wood and that currently almost 80% of this wood is imported from abroad, involving environmental and ethical issues. However, for various reasons (composition, structure, cultivation methods, etc.), the type of wood asked for by furniture manufacturers is scarcely present in Italian forests, and it is unlikely that this will change in the next few years. Therefore, the forecasted increase in harvesting to replace the wood that industries import today from abroad is by no means sure it will be effective. In general, it is necessary to avoid the most simple solutions, which in Italy are often coppice cutting and coppice wood for energy purposes. The recovery from a condition of past degradation and the accumulation of biomass in Italian forests is an opportunity and opens up a vast horizon for innovative forest management and silviculture. Provided we know how to orient ourselves within this horizon and implement a true culture and care of the forest (extensive closeR-to-nature silviculture towards continuity in forest cover, above all), in full respect of the “rights” of the forest, the safeguarding of which guarantees the major benefits that the forest provides to the society. </p><p><b>Keywords</b>:  Italy, Forest, Wood, Harvest, Coppice, High-forest, Silviculture </p><p><i>Forest@ 19 (3): 49-51 (2022) </i> - doi: 10.3832/efor0048-019<br/><a href="" target="_blank"> </a> </p><hr size="1"/> Borghetti M Editoriali 2022-05-17 Copyright (c) 2025, Italian Society of Silviculture an Forest Ecology. All rights reserved Articoli Scientifici: La ricerca italiana ed il ruolo della comunità scientifica nella realizzazione dell’Albo nazionale delle “Foreste vetuste” <p><b>Abstract</b>: With the publication of a Decree that has established a List of the Italian old-growth forests, we have analyzed, using text mining software, the state of the art of Italian research in this field. We have analyzed 188 ISI and 72 non-indexed papers or reports. The analysis has identified 165 locations of which more than 50% are on pure beech or mixed beech and silver fir stands. The analysis was focused mainly on structural characteristics and bio-indicators. The current knowledge represents reliable support for the establishment of an Italian network of old-growth forests and this green infrastructure offers important opportunities for research and collaboration between research, natural resource management, and local, regional, and state administrations. </p><p><b>Keywords</b>:  Forest Structure, Biodiversity Indicators, Monitoring, Climate Change Impacts, Resilience, Closer To Nature Forest Management </p><p><i>Forest@ 19 (2): 36-48 (2022) </i> - doi: 10.3832/efor4110-019<br/><a href="" target="_blank"> </a> </p><hr size="1"/> Motta R, Garbarino M, Lingua E, Lombardi F, Tognetti R Articoli Scientifici 2022-04-28 Copyright (c) 2025, Italian Society of Silviculture an Forest Ecology. All rights reserved