Selection By Subject: “Forest Soil Science”

Records: 17


Commentaries & Perspectives

Forests in the future - No forest, no future

Zanella A

vol. 21, pp. 82-92 - online: 02, 20 D - doi: 10.3832/efor4729-021

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Microbial indicators as innovative methods to assess the performance of woody crops in soil organic carbon sequestration and natural resource valorisation

Manici LM, Paletto A, Caputo F, Fornasier F, Ceotto E, De Meo I

vol. 21, pp. 48-54 - online: 02, 23 J - doi: 10.3832/efor4610-021

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Commentaries & Perspectives

Soil, humipedon and forest management

Zampedri R, Zanella A, Giannini R

vol. 20, pp. 13-19 - online: 02, 15 J - doi: 10.3832/efor4293-020

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Commentaries & Perspectives

Estimation of fine-roots turnover. Towards a revision of global carbon balance?

Nolè A

vol. 5, pp. 5-6 - online: 00, 26 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0515-0005

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Investigation on soil organic component and its relationships with silvicultural regime in beechwoods (Trento, Italy)

Cason D, Carletti P, Frizzera L, Nardi S

vol. 5, pp. 20-27 - online: 00, 26 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0504-0050020

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Structure of diagnostics horizons and humus classification

Zanella A, Secco R, Tarasconi L, Jabiol B, Viola F

vol. 5, pp. 68-81 - online: 00, 26 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0509-0050068

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Changes in organic compounds during leaf litter leaching: laboratory experiment on eight plant species of the Sudano-guinea Savannas of Ngaoundere, Cameroon

Ibrahima A, Biyanzi P, Halima M

vol. 4, pp. 407-417 - online: 00, 20 D - doi: 10.3832/ifor0450-0010027

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Soil evolution in spruce forest ecosystems: role and influence of humus studied by morphological approach

Chersich S

vol. 4, pp. 333-339 - online: 00, 20 S - doi: 10.3832/efor0474-0040333

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Humus form variability at two experimental sites in the mountain Norway spruce forest, Trentino, Italy

Chersich S, Galvan P, Frizzera L, Scattolin L

vol. 4, pp. 220-226 - online: 00, 19 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0451-0040220

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Silvicultural and agronomic practices for improving Tuber magnatum habitat in natural woodlands

Tagliaferro F, Ebone A

vol. 4, pp. 88-94 - online: 00, 21 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0430-0040088

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Commentaries & Perspectives

Obituary: Guido Sanesi

Piussi P

vol. 3, pp. 461 - online: 00, 18 D - doi: 10.3832/efor0426-0003

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Review Papers

Problems in the inventory of the belowground forest biomass carbon stocks

Lasserre B, Marchetti M, Tognetti R

vol. 3, pp. 542-554 - online: 00, 18 D - doi: 10.3832/efor0415-0030542

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Role of soil fauna in the spatial and temporal variation of humus forms: micromorphological investigation on thin sections and stereoscopic observation

Galvan P, Solaro S, Chersich S, Zanella A

vol. 3, pp. 555-561 - online: 00, 18 D - doi: 10.3832/efor0411-0030555

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Preliminary investigations on the variation of humus forms using two different vegetation-related approaches in mountain sites of Lombardy (Italy)

Chersich S, Ivetic B, D’Alessio D

vol. 3, pp. 562-568 - online: 00, 18 D - doi: 10.3832/efor0412-0030562

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Commentaries & Perspectives

Snow as relevant factor in determining carbon stock in the soil

Tonon G

vol. 3, pp. 9-11 - online: 00, 17 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0353-0003

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Organic-matter evolution of soils from Sila uplands (Calabria, Italy)

Sidari M, Muscolo A, Cianci V, Attinà E, Vecchio G, Zaffina F

vol. 2, pp. 296-305 - online: 00, 21 S - doi: 10.3832/efor0306-0020296

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Commentaries & Perspectives

Soil carbon stocking is a successful strategy against climate change and the worldwide problem of famine

Tonon G

vol. 1, pp. 76-77 - online: 00, 28 D - doi: 10.3832/efor0226-0001

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF




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