Selection By Subject: “Other Topics”

Records: 69


Commentaries & Perspectives

Notre Dame’s wooden beams: reflections on restoration, forestry education, and EU Directives

Romagnoli M, Agrimi M, Togni M

vol. 22, pp. 1-2 - online: 02, 11 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0040-021

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Commentaries & Perspectives

34th European Dendroecological Fieldweek 2024 - Report

Maimone F, Gamba R, Bono A

vol. 22, pp. 3-4 - online: 02, 11 J - doi: 10.3832/efor4755-021

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Commentaries & Perspectives

Bibliometrics and silviculture

Corona P

vol. 21, pp. 80-81 - online: 02, 20 D - doi: 10.3832/efor4759-021

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Book Reviews

A book to read, suggest, consult and refer to

Stefani A

vol. 21, pp. 78-79 - online: 02, 26 S - doi: 10.3832/efor0041-021

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Commentaries & Perspectives

General Direction of mountain economy and forests: the first five years of activity

Stefani A, Romano R

vol. 21, pp. 60-71 - online: 02, 06 A - doi: 10.3832/efor4692-021

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF



Twenty years later

Borghetti M, Bucci G

vol. 21, pp. 8-9 - online: 02, 27 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0043-021

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Book Reviews

The role of Quercus trojana Webb in the biodiversity of Murgia Materana Park

Castellaneta M

vol. 21, pp. 7 - online: 02, 16 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0044-020

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

The digitalization framework of the National Forest System at 2020

Carbone F, Alivernini A, Bascietto M, Oreti L, Barbarese F

vol. 20, pp. 30-38 - online: 02, 16 F - doi: 10.3832/efor4265-020

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF



Obituary: In memory of Prof. Giovanni Bernetti

La Marca O

vol. 20, pp. 20-21 - online: 02, 18 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0046-020

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

“Young Sentinels of the Coastal Pine Forest”: an education project to safeguard biodiversity and prevent forest fires

Agneta R, Greco M

vol. 19, pp. 12-17 - online: 02, 06 M - doi: 10.3832/efor4061-019

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF



Corrigendum - Remembering a leading forest scientist: Ezio Magini

Borghetti M

vol. 18, pp. 84 - online: 02, 21 O - doi: 10.3832/efor0050-018

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF



Obituary: Klaus Hellrigl

Minerbi S, Battisti A

vol. 18, pp. 72-73 - online: 02, 13 O - doi: 10.3832/efor0051-018

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

The search for well-being in natural environments: a case study in the Covid-19 era

Vivona S, Romeo N, Sdao P, Veltri A

vol. 18, pp. 41-48 - online: 02, 04 J - doi: 10.3832/efor3878-018

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Short Communications

The perception of the forest in forestry students: a survey at the University of Florence

Chirici D, Sacchelli S, Salbitano F, Travaglini D, Marchi E, Cocozza C

vol. 18, pp. 22-26 - online: 02, 27 M - doi: 10.3832/efor3816-018

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF



The impact of scientific research, between challenging predictions and unexpected consequences

Borghetti M

vol. 18, pp. 20-21 - online: 02, 02 F - doi: 10.3832/efor0056-017

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Commentaries & Perspectives

National Recovery and Resilience Plan "Next Generation EU": a wasted opportunity for Italian forests

Romano R

vol. 18, pp. 5-7 - online: 02, 18 J - doi: 10.3832/efor3751-018

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Commentaries & Perspectives

The Italian national law on forests and forest supply chains: the landscape, the goods (and the woodlands), and the interventions to be set

Sitzia T

vol. 17, pp. 63-70 - online: 02, 14 J - doi: 10.3832/efor3567-017

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF



Artfully performed silviculture to meet the objectives set by the national forest strategy

Borghetti M

vol. 17, pp. 56-57 - online: 02, 03 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0058-017

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Commentaries & Perspectives

Perspectives in bioeconomy: strategies, Green Deal and Covid19

Marchetti M, Palahí M

vol. 17, pp. 52-55 - online: 02, 06 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0059-017

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Commentaries & Perspectives

Remembering a leading forest scientist: Ezio Magini

Giannini R

vol. 17, pp. 42-47 - online: 02, 29 A - doi: 10.3832/efor0060-017

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Short Communications

The 12th SISEF national congress: some short notes

Maetzke FG, La Mela Veca DS, La Mantia T

vol. 16, pp. 86 - online: 01, 21 D - doi: 10.3832/efor0063-016

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF



The "climate" decree: new opportunities for forests of high conservation value

Lombardi F, Tognetti R, Marchetti M

vol. 16, pp. 83-85 - online: 01, 18 D - doi: 10.3832/efor0064-016

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Short Communications

On the XXV IUFRO World Congress “Forest Research and Cooperation for Sustainable Development”

Mariotti B, Marchetti M

vol. 16, pp. 79-82 - online: 01, 27 N - doi: 10.3832/efor3281-016

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF



Scientific publishing: the ambiguities of open-access policies

Borghetti M

vol. 16, pp. 77-78 - online: 01, 24 N - doi: 10.3832/efor0065-016

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Commentaries & Perspectives

Agricultural and forest biomass production for energy use

Corona P, Tognetti R, Monti A, Nardi S, Faccoli M, Salvi S, Casini L, Pantaleo Marco A, Pergher G, Cavalli R, Corti G, Buzzini P, Terribile F, Motta R, Tonon G, Romano R, Plutino M, Paletto A, Sallustio L, Comino R, Garrone C, Martello G, Angelini P, Monarca D, Zimbalatti G

vol. 16, pp. 26-31 - online: 01, 14 M - doi: 10.3832/efor3001-016

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF



After the windstorm, man’s plans and forest recovery

Borghetti M

vol. 16, pp. 1-2 - online: 01, 28 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0071-016

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Estimation procedure of stumpage value: characteristics, contents and self-validation

Benedetti G, Carbone F

vol. 15, pp. 75-86 - online: 01, 11 A - doi: 10.3832/efor2764-015

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Short Communications

Bibliometric analysis of the scientific production in forestry-related scientific fields

Fioravanti M, Giannetti F, Spinelli S, Marchetti M

vol. 15, pp. 65-70 - online: 01, 04 J - doi: 10.3832/efor2861-015

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF



Remembering Bernado Hellrigl

Del Favero R, Colpi C

vol. 15, pp. 40 - online: 01, 30 A - doi: 10.3832/efor0073-015

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF



The new National Forest Law, a very encouraging step forward

Marchetti M

vol. 15, pp. 18-19 - online: 01, 29 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0074-015

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF



Does the Italian National Institute of Statistics know that woods and forests do exist in Italy?

Marchetti M, Pettenella D

vol. 15, pp. 1-2 - online: 01, 23 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0075-015

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Technical Reports

The plant name “zappino”: etymology and dissemination

Fiorucci E

vol. 15, pp. 3-17 - online: 01, 23 J - doi: 10.3832/efor2408-015

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF



But it does move!

Corona P

vol. 14, pp. 141-142 - online: 01, 12 A - doi: 10.3832/efor0077-014

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF



The Italian forest research based on the results of the VQR 2011-2014

Marchetti M

vol. 14, pp. 94-98 - online: 01, 28 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0078-014

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF



Who will lead the Italian forest policy?

Borghetti M

vol. 13, pp. 90 - online: 01, 13 D - doi: 10.3832/efor0079-013

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Commentaries & Perspectives

Lectio Magistralis by Prof. Orazio Ciancio held for its 80th birthday

Iovino F

vol. 12, pp. 50-51 - online: 01, 30 D - doi: 10.3832/efor0086-012

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Commentaries & Perspectives

The tenth SISEF Congress: “Sustaining the planet, forests for life”

Ciancio O

vol. 12, pp. 45-46 - online: 01, 24 O - doi: 10.3832/efor0087-012

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF



Laudato si’ (without forest, neither bread nor fire)

Corona P

vol. 12, pp. 41-42 - online: 01, 25 A - doi: 10.3832/efor0088-012

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Book Reviews

An interesting book on the forest zoology

Fanti P

vol. 11, pp. 102-103 - online: 01, 22 A - doi: 10.3832/efor0092-011

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF



The egoist (academic) generation

Borghetti M

vol. 8, pp. 234 - online: 01, 19 D - doi: 10.3832/efor0683-008

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Commentaries & Perspectives

Forestry: feminine plural?

Veltri A, Russo M

vol. 8, pp. 179-182 - online: 01, 02 N - doi: 10.3832/efor0675-008

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF



Was Ernesto Galli della Loggia unable to write a more intelligent comment on the ANVUR proposal?

Borghetti M

vol. 8, pp. 137-138 - online: 01, 19 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0669-008

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF



iForest, acceptance for indexing by Thomson Reuters

Borghetti M

vol. 8, pp. 44 - online: 01, 08 A - doi: 10.3832/efor0657-008

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF



The evaluation of CNR Institutes (National Research Council, Italy)

Borghetti M

vol. 8, pp. 43 - online: 01, 17 F - doi: 10.3832/efor0651-008

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF



Which perspectives for the academic system in forest sciences?

Sanesi G

vol. 7, pp. 234-236 - online: 01, 02 D - doi: 10.3832/efor0646-0007

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF



Shallowness and thoughtlessness in the media information on the environment and forests

Urbinati C, Iorio G

vol. 7, pp. 84-85 - online: 01, 20 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0623-0007

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Commentaries & Perspectives

AUSF Italy: the national organization of Italian students in Forestry

Cardellini G, Cirolli M, De Rosa P, Franza A, Ganino A, Natalini F, Oddo G

vol. 7, pp. 7-8 - online: 01, 11 F - doi: 10.3832/efor0607-0007

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Commentaries & Perspectives

The 7th SISEF National Congress: participation and scientific contents

Chiavetta U, Cocozza C

vol. 6, pp. 333-336 - online: 00, 23 N - doi: 10.3832/efor0600-0006

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF



Thoughts on minimum standards for scientific research

Gallerani V

vol. 6, pp. 50-52 - online: 00, 25 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0574-0006

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF



Thoughts on the Italian National University Council (CUN)

Borghetti M

vol. 6, pp. 1 - online: 00, 29 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0568-0006

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF



Academic recruitment and scientific indexes

Borghetti M

vol. 5, pp. 296 - online: 00, 19 N - doi: 10.3832/efor0556-0005

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Commentaries & Perspectives

Open letter to the Italian Ministry of University and Research

Procesi C, Arbarello E, Cornalba M, O’Grady K

vol. 5, pp. 300-301 - online: 00, 19 N - doi: 10.3832/efor0561-0005

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF



Quality of the recruitment and evaluation: a binding combination

Sanesi G

vol. 5, pp. 214-215 - online: 00, 02 S - doi: 10.3832/efor0540-0005

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Commentaries & Perspectives

Perspectives for the Italian Universities

Paci M

vol. 5, pp. 218-219 - online: 00, 02 S - doi: 10.3832/efor0541-0005

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF



How media report scientific results

Borghetti M

vol. 5, pp. 151-152 - online: 00, 20 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0534-0005

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Commentaries & Perspectives

Teaching forest ecology in the Italian Academia

Calamini G

vol. 5, pp. 156-157 - online: 00, 20 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0529-0005

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF



The sad story of the new procedures for hiring young researchers in Italian Universities

Menozzi P

vol. 5, pp. 121 - online: 00, 21 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0522-0005

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Commentaries & Perspectives

Appointing university professors in Italy, the need for a change

Boero F

vol. 5, pp. 158-159 - online: 00, 20 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0532-005

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF



iForest, a new journal by SISEF

Borghetti M

vol. 5, pp. 1-2 - online: 00, 26 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0513-0005

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Commentaries & Perspectives

The importance of forest ecology in forestry faculties in Italy

Paci M

vol. 4, pp. 353-354 - online: 00, 20 D - doi: 10.3832/efor0484-0004

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF



The selection process for research positions in Italian Universities

Menozzi P

vol. 4, pp. 142-143 - online: 00, 19 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0461-0004

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF



Forest research and education: the status quo

Cherubini P

vol. 3, pp. 300-301 - online: 00, 20 S - doi: 10.3832/efor0404-0003

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Commentaries & Perspectives

Bad surprise while looking at the reform of “laurea magistrale” in Forestry and Environmental Sciences in the Italian University

Bovio G, Minotta G

vol. 3, pp. 162-163 - online: 00, 13 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0378-0003

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF



The fifth SISEF Congress: Forests and Society - changes, conflicts and synergies. A note on the proceedings

Motta R

vol. 3, pp. 45 - online: 00, 17 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0352-0030045

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF



The ten-years anniversary of SISEF: its history and congresses

Borghetti M

vol. 2, pp. 311-312 - online: 00, 19 D - doi: 10.3832/efor0317-0002

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Commentaries & Perspectives

The fifth SISEF National Congress

Motta R

vol. 2, pp. 313-315 - online: 00, 19 D - doi: 10.3832/efor0314-0002

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF



Feedback and perspectives

Borghetti M

vol. 1, pp. 58 - online: 00, 28 D - doi: 10.3832/efor0242-0001

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Book Reviews

A guide to scientific extension

Grassi G

vol. 1, pp. 74-75 - online: 00, 28 D - doi: 10.3832/efor0201-0001

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF



Forest@: a new journal for forest and environmental science

Borghetti M

vol. 1, pp. 1-2 - online: 00, 12 O - doi: 10.3832/efor0209-0001

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF




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