Selection By Subject: “Silviculture”
Records: 97

Research Articles
The conservation of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur) stands in the territory of Parco Lombardo Valle del Ticino (province of Milano and Pavia): main results and management proposals after three years of testing
vol. 10, pp. 1-13 - online: 01, 04 F - doi: 10.3832/efor0825-010

Research Articles
Review on the use and the application of the ESA (Environmental Sensitive Areas) methodology and updating of the map of environmental sensitivity areas to desertification for the Basilicata Region, Italy
vol. 7, pp. 133-147 - online: 01, 30 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0627-007

Research Articles
Effects of thinning intensities in experimental plots of Black European pine in “Foreste Casentinesi, Monte Falterona and Campigna National Park” (Tosco-Romagnolo Apennine, Italy), eight years after the felling
vol. 7, pp. 73-83 - online: 01, 01 A - doi: 10.3832/efor0616-007

Research Articles
Structure of an old-growth stand (Reserve of Lom, Republic of Bosnia Herzegovina) and two over-mature forest stands from the Italian eastern Alps (Ludrin, TN, and Val Navarza, UD)
vol. 5, pp. 100-111 - online: 00, 26 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0512-0050100