Selection By Type: “Research Articles”

Records: 284


Research Articles

Microbial indicators as innovative methods to assess the performance of woody crops in soil organic carbon sequestration and natural resource valorisation

Manici LM, Paletto A, Caputo F, Fornasier F, Ceotto E, De Meo I

vol. 21, pp. 48-54 - online: 02, 23 J - doi: 10.3832/efor4610-021

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Forest fires in Italy - Analysis of trends based on 50 years of observations

Notarangelo M

vol. 21, pp. 1-6 - online: 02, 16 J - doi: 10.3832/efor4479-020

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

History of degradation and rebirth of a coastal pine forest

Calandrelli MM, Migliozzi A

vol. 20, pp. 73-80 - online: 02, 25 O - doi: 10.3832/efor4386-020

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Estimation of the landscape value of some forest areas affected by windstorms in the Vallombrosa Forest (Central Italy)

Biancone F, Galipò G, Sacchelli S

vol. 20, pp. 67-72 - online: 02, 24 A - doi: 10.3832/efor4426-020

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Volume tables and terrestrial laser scanning: a technology innovation supporting forest mensuration

Puletti N, Guasti M, Innocenti S, Scotti R

vol. 20, pp. 61-66 - online: 02, 24 J - doi: 10.3832/efor4401-020

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

The management model of the Natura 2000 network in Puglia: opinions and expectations of stakeholders

Tucci G, Notaro S, Paletto A

vol. 20, pp. 39-47 - online: 02, 29 M - doi: 10.3832/efor4290-020

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Old-growth forests in the Pollino National Park (southern Italy): current status and future perspectives

Castellaneta M, Schettino A, Travascia D, Lapolla A, Colangelo M, Marchianò V, Bernardo L, Gargano D, Passalacqua N, Rivelli AR, Misano G, Regina L, Maradei V, Digilio S, Viggiano P, Ripullone F

vol. 20, pp. 22-29 - online: 02, 16 F - doi: 10.3832/efor4303-020

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

The digitalization framework of the National Forest System at 2020

Carbone F, Alivernini A, Bascietto M, Oreti L, Barbarese F

vol. 20, pp. 30-38 - online: 02, 16 F - doi: 10.3832/efor4265-020

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Climate change in progress: observations on the impacts of drought events on Tuscan forests

Bussotti F, Bettini D, Carrari E, Selvi F, Pollastrini M

vol. 20, pp. 1-9 - online: 02, 03 J - doi: 10.3832/efor4224-019

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Are the conditions of the Italian forests worsening due to extreme climatic events? Evidence from the national monitoring networks ICP Forests - CON. ECO.FOR.

Bussotti F, Papitto G, Di Martino D, Cocciufa C, Cindolo C, Cenni E, Bettini D, Iacopetti G, Pollastrini M

vol. 19, pp. 74-81 - online: 02, 12 J - doi: 10.3832/efor4134-019

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Assessment of the vulnerability factors for the Bosco Pantano nature reserve (Policoro, Southern Italy): the SWOT-AHP dynamic approach

Travascia D, Castellaneta M, Colucci A, Cirelli G, Lapolla A, Misano G, De Capua E, Rosito M, Ripullone F

vol. 19, pp. 67-73 - online: 02, 16 J - doi: 10.3832/efor4133-019

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

The current Italian research and its role in the establishment of an Italian network of “old-growth forests”

Motta R, Garbarino M, Lingua E, Lombardi F, Tognetti R

vol. 19, pp. 36-48 - online: 02, 28 A - doi: 10.3832/efor4110-019

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

A survey on public forest seedling production in Italy

Martini S, Maltoni A, Monteverdi MC, De Dato G, Salbitano F, Marchetti M, Mariotti B

vol. 19, pp. 18-30 - online: 02, 17 M - doi: 10.3832/efor4083-019

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

“Young Sentinels of the Coastal Pine Forest”: an education project to safeguard biodiversity and prevent forest fires

Agneta R, Greco M

vol. 19, pp. 12-17 - online: 02, 06 M - doi: 10.3832/efor4061-019

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Clonal eucalyptus plantations fertirrigated with purified urban wastewater (simplified SI-UNIBAS system): a viable opportunity

Mughini G, Masi S

vol. 18, pp. 85-92 - online: 02, 27 O - doi: 10.3832/efor3802-018

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

The search for well-being in natural environments: a case study in the Covid-19 era

Vivona S, Romeo N, Sdao P, Veltri A

vol. 18, pp. 41-48 - online: 02, 04 J - doi: 10.3832/efor3878-018

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Remote sensing and automatic procedures: useful tools to monitor forest harvesting

Francini S, D’Amico G, Mencucci M, Seri G, Gravano E, Chirici G

vol. 18, pp. 27-34 - online: 02, 07 M - doi: 10.3832/efor3835-018

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Xylosandrus compactus, a new forest pest in Italy

Faccoli M

vol. 18, pp. 8-14 - online: 02, 21 J - doi: 10.3832/efor3711-018

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Profitability of poplar and hardwood broadleaves plantations in Italy

Coaloa D, Chiarabaglio PM, Giorcelli A, Pelleri F, Plutino M, Rosso L, Corona P

vol. 17, pp. 101-108 - online: 02, 01 N - doi: 10.3832/efor3595-017

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Removal of airborne particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) in three protected areas and two historic parks in the city of Rome during the lockdown period (March-April 2020)

Petrella S

vol. 17, pp. 78-87 - online: 02, 27 A - doi: 10.3832/efor3577-017

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Wild boar (Sus scrofa) as a driving force of vegetation changes in an urban mediterranean forest affecting species richness and biodiversity within a protected area

Todini A, Crosti R

vol. 17, pp. 71-77 - online: 02, 04 A - doi: 10.3832/efor3284-017

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Quick assessment of the phytodepurative potential of riparian forest stands

Mattioli W, Chiarabaglio PM, Rosso L, Meloni R, Corona P

vol. 17, pp. 33-37 - online: 02, 30 M - doi: 10.3832/efor3298-017

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Comparison among different schemes and plant densities in oak plantations (Quercus petraea [Matt.] Liebel.): a case study in Umbria, Central Italy

Testaferri G, Bianchetto E, Bidini C, Terradura M, Pelleri F

vol. 16, pp. 40-47 - online: 01, 17 J - doi: 10.3832/efor3130-016

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Demand and supply of wood biomass for energy use in the province of Trento (Italy): a survey

Pieratti E, Bernardi S, Romagnoli M, Sartori O, Paletto A

vol. 16, pp. 16-25 - online: 01, 07 M - doi: 10.3832/efor3037-016

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Serious infestations of Xylosandrus germanus (Blandford, 1894) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae) in chestnut plantations of North-Western Italy

Dutto M, Ferracini C, Faccoli M

vol. 15, pp. 112-116 - online: 01, 03 D - doi: 10.3832/efor2860-015

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Estimation procedure of stumpage value: characteristics, contents and self-validation

Benedetti G, Carbone F

vol. 15, pp. 75-86 - online: 01, 11 A - doi: 10.3832/efor2764-015

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Spatial analysis of the Morrone wildfires (Majella National park, Central Italy) by remote sensing images

Frate L, Fabrizio M, Ciaschetti G, Spera M

vol. 15, pp. 59-64 - online: 01, 08 M - doi: 10.3832/efor2775-015

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Social perception of forest management: the case of the peri-urban forest of Monte Morello (Florence, Italy)

Paletto A, De Meo I, Cantiani P, Guerrini S, Lagomarsino A

vol. 15, pp. 29-39 - online: 01, 30 A - doi: 10.3832/efor2769-015

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

New silvicultural approaches for sustainable forest management in Calabria (Southern Italy)

Iovino F, Nicolaci A, Menguzzato G, Marziliano P, Bernardini V, Castaldi C, Quatrini V, Cutini A

vol. 14, pp. 285-313 - online: 01, 30 O - doi: 10.3832/efor2544-014

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Sustainable forest management and forest biomass estimates in Calabria (Southern Italy): a case study

Iovino F, Cruscomagno F, Nicolaci A, Cutini A, Menguzzato G

vol. 14, pp. 314-333 - online: 01, 30 O - doi: 10.3832/efor2598-014

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Harvesting mechanization in plantations for wood production: working productivity and costs

Verani S, Sperandio G, Civitarese V, Spinelli R

vol. 14, pp. 237-246 - online: 01, 14 A - doi: 10.3832/efor2389-014

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Simulation, calibration and validation protocols for the model 3D-CMCC-CNR-FEM: a case study in the Bonis’ watershed (Calabria, Italy)

Collalti A, Biondo C, Buttafuoco G, Maesano M, Caloiero T, Lucà F, Pellicone G, Ricca N, Salvati R, Veltri A, Scarascia Mugnozza G, Matteucci G

vol. 14, pp. 247-256 - online: 01, 14 A - doi: 10.3832/efor2368-014

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Short and mid-term effects of artificial defoliation on the growth of euramerican poplar (Populus × canadensis clone I-214) in poplar stands in relation to the intensity and seasonal timing of defoliation.

Allegro G

vol. 14, pp. 206-217 - online: 01, 01 A - doi: 10.3832/efor2417-014

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Estimating the profitability trends of poplar plantations under current sectorial public policies

Pra A, Pettenella D

vol. 14, pp. 218-230 - online: 01, 01 A - doi: 10.3832/efor2394-014

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Ground beetles as indicators of past management of old-growth forests

Mazzei A, Gangale C, Laurito M, Luzzi G, Menguzzato G, Pizzolotto R, Scalise C, Uzunov D, Brandmayr P

vol. 14, pp. 162-174 - online: 01, 15 M - doi: 10.3832/efor2351-014

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Models of stand volume and biomass estimation based on LiDAR data for the main forest types in Calabria (southern Italy)

Scrinzi G, Floris A, Clementel F, Bernardini V, Chianucci F, Greco S, Michelini T, Penasa A, Puletti N, Rizzo M, Turco R, Corona P

vol. 14, pp. 175-187 - online: 01, 15 M - doi: 10.3832/efor2399-014

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Detection and correction of LiDAR raster data from the Italian national remote sensing programme and production of a suitable CHM to forest volume estimation in Calabria (southern Italy)

Floris A, Penasa A, Michelini T, Puletti N

vol. 14, pp. 188-201 - online: 01, 15 M - doi: 10.3832/efor2328-014

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Ecosystem services in forests of Calabria: stakeholders’ perception

Pastorella F, Maesano M, Paletto A, Giacovelli G, Vivona S, Veltri A, Pellicone G, Matteucci G, Scarascia Mugnozza G

vol. 14, pp. 143-161 - online: 01, 12 A - doi: 10.3832/efor2219-014

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Forest certification in Calabria (Italy): attitudes, preferences and willingness to pay of manufactures and enterprises of forest-wood chain

Paletto A, Notaro S, Pastorella F, Giacovelli G, Giovannelli S, Turco R

vol. 14, pp. 107-123 - online: 01, 03 A - doi: 10.3832/efor2174-014

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Economic assessment of RFID coupled with open source technologies for wood traceability in Calabria

Sperandio G, Costa C, Figorilli S, Pallottino F, Scrinzi G, Colle G, Proto AR, Macrì G, Antonucci F, Menesatti P

vol. 14, pp. 124-134 - online: 01, 03 A - doi: 10.3832/efor2267-014

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

CFOR: a spatial decision support system dedicated to forest management in Calabria

Puletti N, Floris A, Scrinzi G, Chianucci F, Colle G, Michelini T, Pedot N, Penasa A, Scalercio S, Corona P

vol. 14, pp. 135-140 - online: 01, 03 A - doi: 10.3832/efor2363-014

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Forest management based on ecosystem services and payments for ecosystem services: considerations after the project LIFE+ Making Good Natura

Gaglioppa P, Guadagno R, Marino D, Marucci A, Palmieri M, Pellegrino D, Schirpke U, Caracausi C

vol. 14, pp. 99-106 - online: 01, 28 M - doi: 10.3832/efor2235-014

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Strategies for the promotion of the forest-wood chain in Calabria (southern Italy): the stakeholders’ point of view

Paletto A, Giacovelli G, Matteucci G, Maesano M, Pastorella F, Turco R, Scarascia Mugnozza G

vol. 14, pp. 34-48 - online: 01, 27 F - doi: 10.3832/efor2277-013

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

How much different are conifer forests? Comparison of Lepidoptera community in silver fir and black pine stands in Calabria (southern Italy)

Infusino M, Scalercio S

vol. 14, pp. 49-59 - online: 01, 27 F - doi: 10.3832/efor2241-013

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

TaCAL: a "tariffs" system of tree volume and phytomasses of forest tree species in Calabria (southern Italy)

Scrinzi G, Clementel F, Floris A, Gasparini P

vol. 14, pp. 60-74 - online: 01, 27 F - doi: 10.3832/efor2278-013

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Relationships between landscape and moth diversity in Mediterranean mountain forest ecosystems at multiple spatial scales

Greco S, Coluzzi R, Imbrenda V, Infusino M, Simoniello T, Scalercio S

vol. 14, pp. 75-83 - online: 01, 27 F - doi: 10.3832/efor2296-014

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Large-scale indicators for monitoring forest diversity of the main forest types in Calabria (Italy)

Infusino M, Scalercio S, Corona P, Greco S, Puletti N, Chianucci F

vol. 14, pp. 84-93 - online: 01, 27 F - doi: 10.3832/efor2293-014

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Public participation in the implementation of the Natura 2000 network in Italy: the stakeholders’ experiences

Paletto A, Graziani A, Brescancin F, De Meo I

vol. 14, pp. 13-27 - online: 01, 31 J - doi: 10.3832/efor2131-014

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Acacia saligna: an invasive species on the coast of Molise (southern Italy)

Calabrese V, Frate L, Iannotta F, Prisco I, Stanisci A

vol. 14, pp. 28-33 - online: 01, 31 J - doi: 10.3832/efor2211-013

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Social perception of the forest landscape in Trentino-Alto Adige (Italy): comparison of case studies

Pastorella F, Santoni S, Notaro S, Paletto A

vol. 13, pp. 73-89 - online: 01, 03 D - doi: 10.3832/efor2119-013

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Canker and decline caused by Neofusiccocum parvum on Acacia melanoxylon in Italy

Sidoti A

vol. 13, pp. 41-46 - online: 01, 14 O - doi: 10.3832/efor2041-013

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Suggestions for sustainable Eucalyptus clonal cultivation in Mediterranean climate areas of central and southern Italy

Mughini G

vol. 13, pp. 47-58 - online: 01, 14 O - doi: 10.3832/efor2059-013

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

The ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) of “Bosco Palli”, a relict Turkey oak wood in Basso Monferrato (Piedmont, Italy)

Allegro G, Chiarabaglio PM

vol. 13, pp. 8-17 - online: 01, 04 A - doi: 10.3832/efor1929-013

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Biological, ecological and genetic aspects of Narrow leaved ash (Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl) in the northeastern Italy

Belletti P, Camerano P, Ferrazzini D, Fiorentin R, Cego Pernigotto F

vol. 12, pp. 25-40 - online: 01, 08 A - doi: 10.3832/efor1628-012

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

SWOT-AHP as an inclusive analytical tool of the forest-wood-energy chain: the case study of the Sarntal (South Tyrol)

Nikodinoska N, Mattivi M, Notaro S, Paletto A, Sparapani G

vol. 12, pp. 1-15 - online: 01, 20 J - doi: 10.3832/efor1536-012

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Analysis of the bark beetle outbreak in the forest “Alta Val Parma” (Corniglio, Parma, Italy) and strategies for its regeneration

Vignali G, Barbarotti S, Piovani P, Maresi G, Salvadori C

vol. 12, pp. 16-24 - online: 01, 20 J - doi: 10.3832/efor1539-012

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Bark necrosis by Brenneria nigrifluens and other bacteria on walnut plantations in Piedmont: analysis of the disease evolution in the field and isolate characterization by rep-PCR

Giorcelli A, Gennaro M

vol. 11, pp. 180-188 - online: 01, 20 N - doi: 10.3832/efor1335-011

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) seed germination and seedlings survival in interventions aimed at the renaturalization of Aleppo pine pine forests (Pinus halepensis Mill.) in the Island of Pianosa (Tuscan Archipelago): preliminary results

Giunti M, Foggi B

vol. 11, pp. 168-179 - online: 01, 16 S - doi: 10.3832/efor1053-011

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Fire risk mitigation in the wildland/urban interface: a case of precautionary silviculture in Sardinia (Italy)

Lovreglio R, Danna E, Mou G

vol. 11, pp. 156-167 - online: 01, 10 J - doi: 10.3832/efor1187-011

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Towards an assessment of tree mortality and net annual increments in Italian forests. Which sustainability for the Italian forestry?

Magnani F, Raddi S

vol. 11, pp. 138-148 - online: 01, 17 J - doi: 10.3832/efor1235-011

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Perceptive analysis of the Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) through the cognitive maps

Paletto A, De Meo I, Di Salvatore U, Ferretti F

vol. 11, pp. 125-137 - online: 01, 10 J - doi: 10.3832/efor1245-011

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Impact of wild ungulates on coppices from the Bisenzio Valley (province of Prato, Italy)

Bianchi L, Bartoli L, Paci M, Pozzi D

vol. 11, pp. 116-124 - online: 01, 09 J - doi: 10.3832/efor1259-011

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Comparison of forest definitions at the national level using dominance analysis

Carbone F

vol. 11, pp. 86-101 - online: 01, 29 A - doi: 10.3832/efor1055-011

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Current state and temporal evolution of the chemical composition of atmospheric depositions in forest areas of the CONECOFOR network

Marchetto A, Arisci S, Tartari GA, Balestrini R, Tait D

vol. 11, pp. 72-85 - online: 01, 22 A - doi: 10.3832/efor1003-011

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Futmon-mobile: a mobile-GIS and web-database platform to assist phyto-patological survey of the Futmon project

Colle G, Floris A, Scrinzi G, Clementel F

vol. 11, pp. 45-51 - online: 01, 18 A - doi: 10.3832/efor1023-011

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Evolutionary dynamics of birch (Betula aetnensis Rafin) coppices on the Mount Etna (Sicily)

Bagnato S, La Piana V, Mercurio R, Merlino A, Scarfò F, Sciascia N, Solano F, Spampinato G

vol. 11, pp. 52-65 - online: 01, 18 A - doi: 10.3832/efor1191-011

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Errors in estimating volume increments of forest trees

Magnani F, Raddi S

vol. 11, pp. 38-44 - online: 01, 26 F - doi: 10.3832/efor1182-011

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Historical analysis and modeling of the forest carbon dynamics using the Carbon Budget Model: an example for the Trento Province (NE, Italy)

Pilli R, Grassi G, Cescatti A

vol. 11, pp. 13-28 - online: 01, 25 F - doi: 10.3832/efor1138-011

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Extensive monitoring of Italian forests: integration of the National Forest Inventory with the European Network of Level I

Gasparini P, Di Cosmo L, Paletto A, Rizzo M, Saba Presutti E

vol. 11, pp. 29-37 - online: 01, 25 F - doi: 10.3832/efor1017-011

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Foliar nutrients in Italian forests: results from the 1995-2009 monitoring network sites CONECOFOR

De Cinti B, Bascietto M, Magnani E, Matteucci G

vol. 10, pp. 113-121 - online: 01, 13 N - doi: 10.3832/efor1019-010

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Stumpage value: comparative analysis among different approaches reported by the Italian forest literature

Carbone F, Schiavoni L, Scocchera C

vol. 10, pp. 122-133 - online: 01, 13 N - doi: 10.3832/efor1024-010

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Definition of regions of provenance and seed zones for forest basic and moltiplication materials of Abruzzo region

Marchi M, Chiavetta U, Castaldi C, Contu F, Di Silvestro D, Ducci F

vol. 10, pp. 103-112 - online: 01, 05 N - doi: 10.3832/efor1085-010

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Stemwood volume predicting model of Turkey oak high stands in Basilicata (Italy)

Mancino G, Ferrara A, Langerano P, Racana A, Salvati L

vol. 10, pp. 59-67 - online: 01, 02 S - doi: 10.3832/efor1028-010

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Evidences from long-term monitoring of Italian forests. Tree radial growth as response index to disturbances and its relations with the stand structure

Bertini G, Amoriello T, Piovosi M, Fabbio G

vol. 10, pp. 68-78 - online: 01, 02 S - doi: 10.3832/efor1010-010

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

The contribution of meteorological surveys to the analysis of forest ecosystems: the FutMon project

Moretti V, Moretti R, Sorgi T, Salvati L

vol. 10, pp. 79-87 - online: 01, 02 S - doi: 10.3832/efor1025-010

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Comparison among methods for the assessment of deadwood volume in a former holm oak coppice

Bianchi L, Brovelli M, Maltoni A, Calamini G

vol. 10, pp. 34-42 - online: 01, 15 A - doi: 10.3832/efor0795-010

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Forest canopy analysis in the Alpine environment: comparison among assessment methods

Pastorella F, Paletto A

vol. 10, pp. 43-54 - online: 01, 15 A - doi: 10.3832/efor0974-010

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

The conservation of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur) stands in the territory of Parco Lombardo Valle del Ticino (province of Milano and Pavia): main results and management proposals after three years of testing

Bianchi L, Caronni F, Giovannini G, Paci M

vol. 10, pp. 1-13 - online: 01, 04 F - doi: 10.3832/efor0825-010

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Growth and yield models, assortment type and analysis of deadwood in chestnut coppice

Marziliano P, Iovino F, Menguzzato G, Scalise C, Nicolaci A

vol. 10, pp. 14-25 - online: 01, 04 F - doi: 10.3832/efor0839-0010

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Revegetation assessment on different areas of a methane pipeline in Tuscany

Staglianò N, Sabatini S, Bianchetto E, Argenti G

vol. 9, pp. 273-280 - online: 01, 03 D - doi: 10.3832/efor0703-009

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Standards in chestnut coppice system: cultural heritage or coltural requirement?

Manetti M, Amorini E

vol. 9, pp. 281-292 - online: 01, 03 D - doi: 10.3832/efor0705-009

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Ecophysiological characteristics and cadmium accumulation in Downy Oak (Quercus pubescens Willd.)

Cocozza C, Palumbo G, Colombo C, Pinto V, Tognetti R

vol. 9, pp. 217-226 - online: 01, 04 O - doi: 10.3832/efor0700-009

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Changes of forest coverage and land uses as assessed by the inventory of land uses in Italy

Marchetti M, Bertani R, Corona P, Valentini R

vol. 9, pp. 170-184 - online: 01, 23 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0696-009

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Bird diversity in Turkey oak (Quercus cerris) coppices and transitory stands in the northern Apennines

Tellini Florenzano G, Campedelli T, Cutini S, Londi G

vol. 9, pp. 185-197 - online: 01, 23 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0697-009

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Plant biodiversity of beech forests in central-northern Italy: a methodological approach for conservation purposes

Marcantonio M, Chiarucci A, Maccherini S, Guglietta D, Bacaro G

vol. 9, pp. 198-216 - online: 01, 23 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0698-009

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Vegetation map and evaluation of the naturalness of the Ogliastra territory (province of Ogliastra, Italy)

Batzella M, Balvis T, Muntoni F, Marini A

vol. 9, pp. 130-136 - online: 01, 26 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0671-008

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Forest fire motives in Italy: preliminary results of a pilot survey in the most fire-affected Provinces

Lovreglio R, Marciano A, Patrone A, Leone V

vol. 9, pp. 137-147 - online: 01, 26 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0693-009

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Assessment of pastoral resources at a landscape scale: a case study in the Parco Nazionale delle Foreste Casentinesi, Monte Falterona e Campigna (AR, Italy)

Argenti G, Ceccarelli E, Ghione M, Staglianò N, Pedrazzoli C, Locatelli G

vol. 9, pp. 148-157 - online: 01, 26 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0694-009

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Direct and indirect effects of chemical treatment against poplar rust attacks

Giorcelli A, Gennaro M, Deandrea G, Chiarabaglio P

vol. 9, pp. 158-165 - online: 01, 26 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0695-009

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Application of a niche-based model for forest cover classification

Amici V, Marcantonio M, Geri F

vol. 9, pp. 75-88 - online: 01, 07 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0689-009

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Tree biomass and deadwood density into aged holm oak (Sardinia) and beech coppices (Tuscany)

Bertini G, Fabbio G, Piovosi M, Calderisi M

vol. 9, pp. 108-129 - online: 01, 07 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0690-009

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Basic knowledge for forest restoration: the Pomieri forest case study (Madonie regional park, Sicily)

Bagnato S, Merlino A, Mercurio R, Solano F, Scarfò F, Spampinato G

vol. 9, pp. 8-19 - online: 01, 28 F - doi: 10.3832/efor0679-008

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Prescribed burning experiences in Italy: an integrated approach to prevent forest fires

Ascoli D, Catalanotti A, Valese E, Cabiddu S, Delogu G, Driussi M, Esposito A, Leone V, Lovreglio R, Marchi E, Mazzoleni S, Rutigliano F, Strumia S, Bovio G

vol. 9, pp. 20-38 - online: 01, 28 F - doi: 10.3832/efor0686-009

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Analysis of the seed regeneration process in a

Giovannini G

vol. 9, pp. 39-51 - online: 01, 28 F - doi: 10.3832/efor0687-009

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Physiognomy and distribution of mountain meadows in an alpine valley over 150 years of spontaneous forest expansion

Sitzia T, Trentanovi G

vol. 9, pp. 52-62 - online: 01, 28 F - doi: 10.3832/efor0684-009

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Evolution of revegetated ski slopes in different environments

Argenti G, Seppoloni I, Franci M, Staglianò N

vol. 8, pp. 208-215 - online: 01, 19 D - doi: 10.3832/efor0681-008

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Floristic diversity analysis along a fragmentation gradients: a case study of beech forests in the Molisean Appenines (southern Italy)

Frate L, Carranza M, Paura B, Di Biasi N

vol. 8, pp. 137-148 - online: 01, 02 N - doi: 10.3832/efor0677-008

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Critical issues and challenges in the post-2012 perspective for the possible participation of the forestry sector market for carbon credits

Alisciani F, Carbone F, Perugini L

vol. 8, pp. 149-161 - online: 01, 02 N - doi: 10.3832/efor0672-008

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Assessing the restorative potential of different types of urban and periurban green spaces

Dentamaro I, Lafortezza R, Colangelo G, Carrus G, Sanesi G

vol. 8, pp. 162-178 - online: 01, 02 N - doi: 10.3832/efor0673-008

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Extra-zonal beech forests in Tuscany: structure, diversity and synecologic features

Sabbatini S, Selvi F, Viciani D

vol. 8, pp. 88-102 - online: 01, 19 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0659-008

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Observations on natural regeneration in grazed Holm oak stands in the Ogliastra province (Sardinia, Italy)

Bianchi L, Calamini G, Sioni S

vol. 8, pp. 103-112 - online: 01, 19 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0665-008

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Changes in forest cover in the Foresta della Lama (Casentino Forests National Park) from Karl Siemon’s and Anton Seeland’s 1837 forest management plan

Vazzano E, Quilghini G, Travaglini D, Nocentini S

vol. 8, pp. 78-87 - online: 01, 23 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0655-008

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Forest vegetation in view of some scenarios of climate change in Italy

Pignatti G

vol. 8, pp. 1-12 - online: 01, 17 F - doi: 10.3832/efor0650-008

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Influence of forest fires on insect diversity: a case study in Apulia

Elia M, Lafortezza R, Tarasco E, Colangelo G, Sanesi G

vol. 8, pp. 13-21 - online: 01, 17 F - doi: 10.3832/efor0648-008

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

National-scale analysis for the identification of High Conservation Value Forests (HCVFs)

Maesano M, Giongo Alves M, Ottaviano M, Marchetti M

vol. 8, pp. 22-34 - online: 01, 17 F - doi: 10.3832/efor0649-008

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Large outbreaks of Ips acuminatus in Scots pine stands of the Italian Alps

Faccoli M, Colombari F, Dal Pont C, Finozzi V, D’Ambros E, Battisti A

vol. 7, pp. 259-267 - online: 01, 02 D - doi: 10.3832/efor0644-007

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Arboriculture for quality timber production with hardwood: results after 20 years from planting

Barreca L, Marziliano P, Menguzzato G, Pelle L, Scuderi A

vol. 7, pp. 268-281 - online: 01, 02 D - doi: 10.3832/efor0640-007

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Analysis of energy wood supply chain in thinning operations: a case study in a pine stand of Central Italy

Baldini S, Di Fulvio F, Laudati G

vol. 7, pp. 177-189 - online: 01, 13 O - doi: 10.3832/efor0631-007

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Using the Resistograph®to distinguish different types of wood rot on living silver fir in Molise (Italy)

Lasserre B, Motta E, D’Amico L, Scirè M, Marchetti M

vol. 7, pp. 190-198 - online: 01, 13 O - doi: 10.3832/efor0638-007

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Multi-temporal analysis of energetic fluxes in the Maremma (Italy) landscape between XIX and XX century

Santoro A, Agnoletti M

vol. 7, pp. 199-222 - online: 01, 13 O - doi: 10.3832/efor0632-007

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Birds and structure in the Ragabo pine forest (Linguaglossa, CT - Italy)

Barreca L, Marziliano P, Menguzzato G, Scuderi A

vol. 7, pp. 223-233 - online: 01, 13 O - doi: 10.3832/efor0633-007

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Review on the use and the application of the ESA (Environmental Sensitive Areas) methodology and updating of the map of environmental sensitivity areas to desertification for the Basilicata Region, Italy

Ferrara A, Mancino G, Urbano V, Coletta V, Baffari P

vol. 7, pp. 133-147 - online: 01, 30 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0627-007

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Stand structure and dead wood characterization in cork forest of Calabria region (southern Italy)

Barreca L, Marziliano P, Menguzzato G, Scuderi A

vol. 7, pp. 158-168 - online: 01, 30 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0628-007

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Tree biomass and deadwood density into ageing Turkey oak coppices in Tuscany

Bertini G, Fabbio G, Piovosi M, Calderisi M

vol. 7, pp. 88-103 - online: 01, 20 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0620-007

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Additive partition of diversity as standard for the selection of protected areas: the natural reserves network of the Siena province (Italy)

Marcantonio M, Bacaro G, Filibeck G, Scoppola A, Nonis D, Gasparini P, Rocchini D, Santi E, Landi S, Maccherini S, Chiarucci A

vol. 7, pp. 28-43 - online: 01, 01 A - doi: 10.3832/efor0615-007

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Family forest owners’ motivations in forest management activities: a case study in Recoaro Terme municipality (north-east Italy)

Canton A, Pettenella D

vol. 7, pp. 44-57 - online: 01, 01 A - doi: 10.3832/efor0618-007

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

“Baldo’s Forest”: selection felling based on traditional knowledge in a beech stand in the Tuscan Appenines

Bottalico F, Brundu P, Ciancio O, Nocentini S, Puletti N, Travaglini D

vol. 7, pp. 58-72 - online: 01, 01 A - doi: 10.3832/efor0617-007

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Effects of thinning intensities in experimental plots of Black European pine in “Foreste Casentinesi, Monte Falterona and Campigna National Park” (Tosco-Romagnolo Apennine, Italy), eight years after the felling

Bianchi L, Paci M, Bresciani A

vol. 7, pp. 73-83 - online: 01, 01 A - doi: 10.3832/efor0616-007

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Work analysis of the machine Claas Jaguar 880 employed in short rotation coppice harvesting

Verani S, Sperandio G, Di Matteo G

vol. 7, pp. 22-27 - online: 01, 11 F - doi: 10.3832/efor0605-007

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Deadwood in Italian forests according to National Forest Inventory results

Pignatti G, De Natale F, Gasparini P, Paletto A

vol. 6, pp. 365-375 - online: 00, 23 N - doi: 10.3832/efor0598-006

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Modelling carbon cycle of agro-forest ecosystems in Lombardy (Italy)

Colombo R, Busetto L, Migliavacca M, Meroni M, Della Torre C, Tagliaferri A, Grassi G, Seufert G

vol. 6, pp. 277-288 - online: 00, 18 S - doi: 10.3832/efor0593-006

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Characterization of Rosaceae tree species in a young Turkey oak-dominated coppice forest

Giulietti V, Pelleri F

vol. 6, pp. 289-298 - online: 00, 18 S - doi: 10.3832/efor0592-006

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Classification of poplar stand areas by high-resolution satellite images

Grignetti A, Coaloa D, Niccolini G

vol. 6, pp. 299-311 - online: 00, 18 S - doi: 10.3832/efor0590-006

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Gap size effects on tree regeneration in afforestations of Black pine (Pinus nigra Arn.)

Mercurio R, Mallamaci C, Muscolo A, Sidari M

vol. 6, pp. 312-319 - online: 00, 18 S - doi: 10.3832/efor0591-006

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Qualitative suggestions about chemical weed control of poplar in the nursery and possible improvement on the basis of experimental trials over fifteen years

Giorcelli A, Deandrea G, Gennaro M

vol. 6, pp. 202-214 - online: 00, 30 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0586-006

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Carbon credit accounting: the model CO2FIX v. 3.1 applied to a beech stand under Forest Management in southern Italy

Scarfò F, Mercurio R

vol. 6, pp. 215-228 - online: 00, 30 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0587-006

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Soil carbon accumulation in a Populus spp. plantation supplied with high atmospheric CO2 and nitrogen fertilization

Lagomarsino A, De Angelis P, Moscatelli M, Grego S, Scarascia Mugnozza G

vol. 6, pp. 229-239 - online: 00, 30 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0588-006

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Light and soil humidity influencing oak seedling growth and physiology in mixed hardwood gaps

Raddi S, Basile L, Anichini M, Pozzi D, Logli F

vol. 6, pp. 240-255 - online: 00, 30 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0589-006

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Forests and water cycle

Iovino F, Borghetti M, Veltri A

vol. 6, pp. 256-273 - online: 00, 30 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0583-006

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Multicriteria approach as a decision-support tool in the forest sector

Cóndor R, Scarelli A, Valentini R

vol. 6, pp. 161-172 - online: 00, 19 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0579-006

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Influence of thinnings on wood production in a Turkey oak (Quercus cerris L.) in southern Italy

La Marca O, Notarangelo G

vol. 6, pp. 173-185 - online: 00, 19 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0581-006

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Natural dynamics of holm oak-dominated forest stands in the National Park of Maremma, Tuscany

Manetti M, Bartolucci S, Bertini G, Piussi P, Sani L

vol. 6, pp. 186-198 - online: 00, 19 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0580-006

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Effect of stand structure on models for volume and aboveground biomass assessment (Castelfusano pinewood, Roma)

Cutini A, Hajny M, Gugliotta O, Manetti M, Amorini E

vol. 6, pp. 75-84 - online: 00, 25 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0569-006

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Growth dynamics and climatic sensitivity of Silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) in the European important site (SIC) at the Alpe della Luna - Bocca Trabaria (PU - Italy)

Gallucci V, Urbinati C

vol. 6, pp. 85-99 - online: 00, 25 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0564-006

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Resampling procedures to validate dendro-auxometric regression models

Marziliano P

vol. 6, pp. 100-106 - online: 00, 25 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0565-006

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Conversion trials in mixed coppices of Gargano (Puglia, Italy): first results

La Marca O, Scopigno D, Tomaiuolo M

vol. 6, pp. 120-128 - online: 00, 25 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0573-006

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Experimental testing of a volume index as a fast method for estimating carbon stock in the understorey vegetation

Chirici G, Oriani A, Tognetti R, Garfì V, Chiavetta U, Lasserre B, Marchetti M

vol. 6, pp. 154-160 - online: 00, 19 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0577-006

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Climate effects on cork growth in Cork oak plantations in Sicily (Italy)

Pizzurro G, Maetzke F

vol. 6, pp. 107-119 - online: 00, 25 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0562-006

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Proposal of a simplified method for the assessment of carrying capacity of woods in territorial forest planning

Bianchetto E, Argenti G, Ferretti F

vol. 6, pp. 129-136 - online: 00, 25 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0575-006

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Structural characteristics of young plantations with pedunculate oak and hornbeam in the Veneto region

Bellio R, Pividori M

vol. 6, pp. 4-18 - online: 00, 29 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0554-006

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Quali-quantitative analysis of deadwood in ageing Holm oak coppices of Gargano

Marziliano P

vol. 6, pp. 19-28 - online: 00, 29 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0555-006

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Effects of thinning and mixed plantations with Alnus cordata on growth and efficiency of common walnut (Juglans regia L.)

Cutini A, Giannini T

vol. 6, pp. 29-38 - online: 00, 29 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0553-006

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Cultural treatments and woody debris: the study case of beech forests in Casentino (Italy)

Salvadori G, Bianchi L, Calamini G

vol. 6, pp. 39-49 - online: 00, 29 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0551-006

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Post-effects of long-term water drougth in Mediterranean pine stands

Guarini R, Todaro L, Moretti N, Borghetti M

vol. 5, pp. 308-317 - online: 00, 12 D - doi: 10.3832/efor0549-0050308

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Spatial interpolation methods for monthly rainfalls and temperatures in Basilicata

Fiorenzo F, Mancino G, Borghetti M, Ferrara A

vol. 5, pp. 337-350 - online: 00, 12 D - doi: 10.3832/efor0550-0050337

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Identification of a system of ecologically homogeneous areas and of priority intervention levels for forest plantation planning in Sicily

Maetzke F, Cullotta S, La Mantia T, La Mela Veca D, Pizzurro G

vol. 5, pp. 280-295 - online: 00, 10 O - doi: 10.3832/efor0543-0050280

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Forest types of the “Argentino River Valley” Natural Reserve

Scarfò F, Mercurio R, Bagnato S

vol. 5, pp. 233-252 - online: 00, 02 S - doi: 10.3832/efor0536-0050233

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Phytopatological monitoring of Inonotus rickii and GPS-GIS applications, Rome, Italy

Mazza G, Moriondo M, Motta E, Annesi T

vol. 5, pp. 160-170 - online: 00, 20 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0523-0050160

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Effect of light regime on the natural regeneration of silver fir (Abies alba), Calabria, Southern Italy

Mercurio I, Mercurio R

vol. 5, pp. 171-175 - online: 00, 20 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0524-0050171

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Dead wood characterisation in Quercus frainetto stands in Calabria (Southern Italy).

Barreca L, Cutini A, Mercurio R

vol. 5, pp. 187-194 - online: 00, 20 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0527-0050187

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Dynamics and management of silver fir stand in Tuscany: a review of long-term research

Bianchi L, Paci M

vol. 5, pp. 122-130 - online: 00, 21 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0517-0050122

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Distribution of hypovirulent strains of Cryphonectria parasitica in Tuscany (Italy) as influenced by climatic-environmental factors

Feducci M, Zebi M, Bagnoli M, Capretti P

vol. 5, pp. 131-135 - online: 00, 21 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0520-0050131

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Relationships between silvicultural system, forest type and floristic diversity in chestnut coppices

Mattioli W, Pinelli A, Filibeck G, Portoghesi L, Scoppola A, Corona P

vol. 5, pp. 136-150 - online: 00, 21 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0521-0050136

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Silvicultural options in ageing holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) coppices in Gargano: results after 14 growing seasons

La Marca O, Marziliano P, Scopigno D

vol. 5, pp. 318-336 - online: 00, 12 D - doi: 10.3832/efor0552-0050318

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Survey and management of tree disease along the ancient Lucca’s city walls (Italy)

Luchi N, Vannuccini M, Panzavolta T, Tiberi R, Feducci M, Salbitano F, Giachini M, Zocco Pisana L, Capretti P

vol. 5, pp. 253-261 - online: 00, 02 S - doi: 10.3832/efor0531-0050253

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Implementation and spatialisation of the Canadian Fire Weather Index in the Veneto Region

Valese E, Anfodillo T, Rossi S, Carraro V, Deslauriers A, Carrer M, Monai M, Lemessi A, Ramon E

vol. 5, pp. 176-186 - online: 00, 20 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0526-0050176

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Production of climatic and bioclimatic maps by Universal Kriging with external drift: theory and examples for Italy

Attorre F, Francesconi F, Valenti R, Collalti A, Bruno F

vol. 5, pp. 8-19 - online: 00, 26 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0507-0050008

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Investigation on soil organic component and its relationships with silvicultural regime in beechwoods (Trento, Italy)

Cason D, Carletti P, Frizzera L, Nardi S

vol. 5, pp. 20-27 - online: 00, 26 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0504-0050020

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Ecophysiological responses of Pinus leucodermis at high elevation in the Mediterranean area

Guerrieri M, Todaro L, Carraro V, De Stefano S, Lapolla A, Saracino A

vol. 5, pp. 28-38 - online: 00, 26 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0503-0050028

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Characterisation of pastures in a eastern Alpine area in relation to ecological and management parameters

Sabatini S, Argenti G, Staglianò N, Targetti S

vol. 5, pp. 39-46 - online: 00, 26 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0502-0050039

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Tree-ring growth and climate response of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) in Basilicata (Southern Italy)

Gentilesca T, Todaro L

vol. 5, pp. 47-56 - online: 00, 26 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0505-0050047

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Harvested wood products and carbon sink in a young beech high forest

Pilli R, Dalla Valle E, Anfodillo T, Penzo D, Fontanella F

vol. 5, pp. 57-67 - online: 00, 26 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0510-0050057

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Structure of diagnostics horizons and humus classification

Zanella A, Secco R, Tarasconi L, Jabiol B, Viola F

vol. 5, pp. 68-81 - online: 00, 26 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0509-0050068

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Multitemporal analysis of forest landscape in the province of Siena (Italy) using historical maps

Geri F, Giordano M, Nucci A, Rocchini D, Chiarucci A

vol. 5, pp. 82-91 - online: 00, 26 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0508-0050082

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Dead wood characterisation in chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) coppices in the Aspromonte (Southern Italy)

La Fauci A, Mercurio R

vol. 5, pp. 92-99 - online: 00, 26 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0511-0050092

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Structure of an old-growth stand (Reserve of Lom, Republic of Bosnia Herzegovina) and two over-mature forest stands from the Italian eastern Alps (Ludrin, TN, and Val Navarza, UD)

Motta R, Maunaga Z, Berretti R, Castagneri D, Lingua E, Meloni F

vol. 5, pp. 100-111 - online: 00, 26 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0512-0050100

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Genetic improvement of trees for wood production, with particular refeference to wood traits

Nocetti M

vol. 5, pp. 112-120 - online: 00, 26 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0506-0050112

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Analysing interaction effects in forests using the mark correlation function

Wälder K, Wälder O

vol. 4, pp. 365-372 - online: 00, 20 D - doi: 10.3832/ifor0449-0010034

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

From a diameter-based to a height-based dendrometry: estimate of tree volume from laser scanning measurements

Abramo E, Barilotti A, Sepic F

vol. 4, pp. 373-385 - online: 00, 20 D - doi: 10.3832/efor0481-0040373

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Genetic variation of common walnut (Juglans regia) in Piedmont, Northwestern Italy

Ferrazzini D, Monteleone I, Lecce F, Belletti P

vol. 4, pp. 386-394 - online: 00, 20 D - doi: 10.3832/efor0483-0040386

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Research Articles

Deadwood in forest stands: assessment of wood basic density in some tree species, Trentino, Italy

Morelli S, Paletto A, Tosi V

vol. 4, pp. 395-406 - online: 00, 20 D - doi: 10.3832/efor0492-0040395

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Research Articles

Changes in organic compounds during leaf litter leaching: laboratory experiment on eight plant species of the Sudano-guinea Savannas of Ngaoundere, Cameroon

Ibrahima A, Biyanzi P, Halima M

vol. 4, pp. 407-417 - online: 00, 20 D - doi: 10.3832/ifor0450-0010027

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Research Articles

Forestry, pasture, agriculture and fauna correlated to recent changes in Sicily

Massa B, La Mantia T

vol. 4, pp. 418-438 - online: 00, 20 D - doi: 10.3832/efor0495-0040418

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Research Articles

Distribution model of understory vegetation in beech forests from Central Apennines (Italy) in relation to edaphic parameters

De Nicola C, Fanelli G, Potena G, Sammarone L, Posillico M, Testi A

vol. 4, pp. 439-449 - online: 00, 20 D - doi: 10.3832/efor0496-0040439

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Research Articles

Impact of environmental pollution and climate change on forest ecosystems: the activity of the IUFRO Research Group 7.01

Paoletti E

vol. 4, pp. 451-459 - online: 00, 20 D - doi: 10.3832/efor0489-0040451

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Research Articles

Changes in rainfall patterns in Mediterranean ecosystems: the MIND project

Alberti G, Inglima I, Arriga N, Piermatteo D, Pecchiari M, Zaldei A, Papale D, Peressotti A, Valentini R, Cotrufo M, Magnani F, Miglietta F

vol. 4, pp. 460-468 - online: 00, 20 D - doi: 10.3832/efor0493-0040460

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Research Articles

Carbon balance assessment at regional scale

Gioli B, Miglietta F

vol. 4, pp. 469-477 - online: 00, 20 D - doi: 10.3832/efor0486-0040469

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Research Articles

The effects of ozone on Mediterranen forests

Paoletti E

vol. 4, pp. 478-487 - online: 00, 20 D - doi: 10.3832/efor0490-0040478

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Research Articles

Delineation of burnt mountain forest areas by high-resolution satellite images

De Matteo E, Colombo R, Meroni M, Comini B, Fracassi G, Cavini L, Olivieri M, Deligios G

vol. 4, pp. 264-271 - online: 00, 20 S - doi: 10.3832/efor0469-0040264

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Research Articles

Testing object oriented techniques for Corine Land Cover classification by satellite images with medium spatial resolution

Giuliarelli D, Corona P, Lamonaca A

vol. 4, pp. 272-282 - online: 00, 20 S - doi: 10.3832/efor0471-0040272

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Research Articles

Variation of forest surface and carbon fixation in mountain areas of the Regione Veneto (Italy) and the application of the Kyoto protocol

Lamedica S, Dalla Valle E, Pilli R, Anfodillo T

vol. 4, pp. 283-297 - online: 00, 20 S - doi: 10.3832/efor0472-0040283

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Research Articles

Effects of soil characteristics on functionality and growth of forest stands: a sensitivity analysis of the model 3-PG

Dezi S, Magnani F

vol. 4, pp. 298-309 - online: 00, 20 S - doi: 10.3832/efor0473-0040298

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Research Articles

Eco-physiological variations in three Mediterranean coppices along an altitudinal gradient

Di Matteo G, De Angelis P, Scarascia Mugnozza G

vol. 4, pp. 310-323 - online: 00, 20 S - doi: 10.3832/efor0470-0040310

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Research Articles

Experimental comparison between coppice clearcuts observed by high resolution satellite images and administrative statistics in central-southern Italy

Corona P, Giuliarelli D, Lamonaca A, Mattioli W, Tonti D, Chirici G, Marchetti M

vol. 4, pp. 324-332 - online: 00, 20 S - doi: 10.3832/efor0468-0040324

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Research Articles

Soil evolution in spruce forest ecosystems: role and influence of humus studied by morphological approach

Chersich S

vol. 4, pp. 333-339 - online: 00, 20 S - doi: 10.3832/efor0474-0040333

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Research Articles

Dynamics and structure of natural regeneration in three high elevation LTER area in the Dolomites (North-Eastern Alps, Italy)

Soraruf L, Carrer M

vol. 4, pp. 177-193 - online: 00, 19 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0448-0040177

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Research Articles

Pedunculate oak forests (Quercus robur L.) survey in the Ticino Regional Park (Italy) by remote sensing

Rossini M, Panigada C, Meroni M, Busetto L, Castrovinci R, Colombo R

vol. 4, pp. 194-203 - online: 00, 19 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0450-0040194

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Research Articles

Equations for the prediction of tree phytomass in Quercus cerris stands in Tuscany, Italy

Nocetti M, Bertini G, Fabbio G, Tabacchi G

vol. 4, pp. 204-212 - online: 00, 19 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0449-0040204

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Research Articles

Spatialization of climatic data at the Italian national level by local regressive models

Blasi C, Chirici G, Corona P, Marchetti M, Maselli F, Puletti N

vol. 4, pp. 213-219 - online: 00, 19 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0453-0040213

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Research Articles

Humus form variability at two experimental sites in the mountain Norway spruce forest, Trentino, Italy

Chersich S, Galvan P, Frizzera L, Scattolin L

vol. 4, pp. 220-226 - online: 00, 19 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0451-0040220

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Research Articles

Comparison of Juglans regia L. bare-root nursery stocks for plantations: morphological characterization

Tani A, Adduci M, Barbarotti S, Maltoni A, Mariotti B

vol. 4, pp. 227-234 - online: 00, 19 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0454-0040227

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Research Articles

Fuel type characterization based on coarse resolution MODIS satellite data

Lanorte A, Lasaponara R

vol. 4, pp. 235-243 - online: 00, 19 J - doi: 10.3832/ifor0451-0010060

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Research Articles

Impact of climate change on radial growth of Siberian spruce and Scots pine in North-western Russia

Lopatin E, Kolström T, Spiecker H

vol. 4, pp. 28-41 - online: 00, 21 M - doi: 10.3832/ifor0447-0010013

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Research Articles

Energetic evaluation of indigenous tree and shrub species in Basilicata, Southern Italy

Todaro L, Scopa A, De Franchi A

vol. 4, pp. 42-50 - online: 00, 21 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0436-0040042

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Research Articles

Productivity and costs of fully mechanized harvesting in Italian Appenines’ chestnut coppices

Moscatelli M, Pettenella D, Spinelli R

vol. 4, pp. 51-59 - online: 00, 21 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0437-0040051

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Research Articles

The use of branch enclosures to asses direct and indirect effects of elevated CO2 on photosynthesis, respiration and isoprene emission of Populus alba leaves

Brilli F, Tricoli D, Fares S, Centritto M, Loreto F

vol. 4, pp. 60-68 - online: 00, 21 M - doi: 10.3832/ifor0429-0010049

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Research Articles

Global change and upward shift of treeline in the Alps: genetic consequences of pastures colonization

Piotti A, Piovani P, Scalfì M, Leonardi S, Menozzi P

vol. 4, pp. 69-78 - online: 00, 21 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0431-0040069

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Research Articles

Temporal pattern of the altitudinal limit of beech forest in the Northern Apennines. A photogrammetric analysis

Pezzi G, Bitelli G, Ferrari C, Girelli V, Gusella L, Masi S, Mognol A

vol. 4, pp. 79-87 - online: 00, 21 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0440-0040079

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Research Articles

Silvicultural and agronomic practices for improving Tuber magnatum habitat in natural woodlands

Tagliaferro F, Ebone A

vol. 4, pp. 88-94 - online: 00, 21 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0430-0040088

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Research Articles

Defining the suitability for nectar production, bee bread and honeydew in managed forests (Trentino, Italy)

Miori M, Matteotti L

vol. 4, pp. 95-101 - online: 00, 21 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0432-0040095

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Research Articles

Variation of soil carbon stocks during the renaturation of old fields: the case study of the Pantelleria Island, Italy

La Mantia T, Oddo G, Rühl J, Furnari G, Scalenghe R

vol. 4, pp. 102-109 - online: 00, 21 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0433-0040102

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Research Articles

Comparison between parametric and non-parametric methods for the spazialization of forest standing volume by integrating field measures, remote sensing data and ancillary data

Bertini R, Chirici G, Corona P, Travaglini D

vol. 4, pp. 110-117 - online: 00, 21 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0439-0040110

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Research Articles

Determination of timber assortments obtainable from coppice chestnut stands (Susa Valley, Northern Italy)

Nosenzo A

vol. 4, pp. 118-125 - online: 00, 21 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0441-0040118

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Research Articles

Stem-quality of sessile oak (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.) trees, Tuscany, Italy

Grifoni F

vol. 4, pp. 126-130 - online: 00, 21 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0434-0040126

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Research Articles

Development of the tree and shrub component and recovery techniques in a burnt pine forest, Castel Fusano, Rome

Manetti M, Cutini A, Gugliotta O, Hajny M, Amorini E

vol. 4, pp. 131-141 - online: 00, 21 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0435-0040131

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Research Articles

Carbon stocks and productivity in forest plantations (Kyoto forests) in Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy)

Alberti G, Marelli A, Piovesana D, Peressotti A, Zerbi G, Gottardo E, Bidese F

vol. 3, pp. 488-495 - online: 00, 18 D - doi: 10.3832/efor0414-0030488

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Research Articles

Management of genetic resources in the nursery system of wild cherry (Prunus avium L.)

Proietti R, Ducci F, Guerri S, Gui L, Gorian F

vol. 3, pp. 496-510 - online: 00, 18 D - doi: 10.3832/efor0416-0030496

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Research Articles

Effects of warmer and drier climate conditions on plant composition and biomass production in a Mediterranean shrubland community

De Dato G, Pellizzaro G, Cesaraccio C, Sirca C, De Angelis P, Duce P, Spano D, Scarascia Mugnozza G

vol. 3, pp. 511-526 - online: 00, 18 D - doi: 10.3832/ifor0418-0010039

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Research Articles

Community habitats and biodiversity in the Taburno-Camposauro Regional Park. Woodland, rare species, endangered species and their conservation

Guarino C, Napolitano F

vol. 3, pp. 527-541 - online: 00, 18 D - doi: 10.3832/efor0419-0030527

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Research Articles

Role of soil fauna in the spatial and temporal variation of humus forms: micromorphological investigation on thin sections and stereoscopic observation

Galvan P, Solaro S, Chersich S, Zanella A

vol. 3, pp. 555-561 - online: 00, 18 D - doi: 10.3832/efor0411-0030555

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Research Articles

Preliminary investigations on the variation of humus forms using two different vegetation-related approaches in mountain sites of Lombardy (Italy)

Chersich S, Ivetic B, D’Alessio D

vol. 3, pp. 562-568 - online: 00, 18 D - doi: 10.3832/efor0412-0030562

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Research Articles

Standard procedures in forest management planning: cultural identity aimed at division into compartments

Agnoloni S, Bianchi M, Cantiani P, De Meo I, Ferretti F, Guzzardo E

vol. 3, pp. 569-573 - online: 00, 18 D - doi: 10.3832/efor0413-0030569

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Research Articles

Towards cost-effective indicators to maintain Natura 2000 sites in favourable conservation status. Preliminary results from Cansiglio and New Forest

Cantarello E, Newton A

vol. 3, pp. 574-583 - online: 00, 18 D - doi: 10.3832/ifor0410-0010075

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Research Articles

Restoring interventions: eco-sustainable weed control

Facciotto G, Incitti T, Chiarabaglio P

vol. 3, pp. 584-587 - online: 00, 18 D - doi: 10.3832/efor0409-0030584

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Research Articles

Juglans regia L. tree plantations for wood production in mining area of S. Barbara (AR). Evaluation of N-fixing accessory trees effect

Tani A, Maltoni A, Mariotti B, Buresti Lattes E

vol. 3, pp. 588-597 - online: 00, 18 D - doi: 10.3832/efor0407-0030588

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Research Articles

Identification of Italian ecotypes of Juglans regia L. by molecular, morphological and biochemical markers

Pollegioni P, Bartoli S, Malvolti M, Mapelli S, Bertani A, Cannata F

vol. 3, pp. 598-609 - online: 00, 18 D - doi: 10.3832/efor0408-0030598

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Research Articles

Growth performance of cork oak plantations recently established on farmlands in Sardinia, Italy

Dettori S, Falqui A, Filigheddu M, Sedda L

vol. 3, pp. 327-338 - online: 00, 20 S - doi: 10.3832/efor0395-0030327

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Research Articles

A methodology for analysing temporal changes of forest surface using aerial photos for the application of Kyoto protocol: a study case in Northern Italy

Salvadori I, Pilli R, Anfodillo T

vol. 3, pp. 339-350 - online: 00, 20 S - doi: 10.3832/efor0393-0030339

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Research Articles

Planning wood extraction in a forest coppice

Civitarese V, Pignatti G, Verani S, Sperandio G

vol. 3, pp. 367-375 - online: 00, 20 S - doi: 10.3832/efor0391-0030367

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Research Articles

Dynamics of natural regeneration in Pinus laricio stands from southern Apennines (Italy)

Gugliotta O, Mercurio R, Albanesi E

vol. 3, pp. 380-386 - online: 00, 20 S - doi: 10.3832/efor0401-0030380

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Research Articles

Characterization of an abandoned pastoral area in the Northern Apennines, Italy

Argenti G, Bianchetto E, Ferretti F, Giulietti V, Milandri M, Pelleri F, Romagnoli P, Signorini M, Venturi E

vol. 3, pp. 387-396 - online: 00, 20 S - doi: 10.3832/efor0385-0030387

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Research Articles

Observations on the felling of standards in oak coppices, Central Italy

Bianchi L, Giovannini G

vol. 3, pp. 397-406 - online: 00, 20 S - doi: 10.3832/efor0390-0030397

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Research Articles

Simplified methods for spatial sampling: application to first-phase data of Italian National Forest Inventory (INFC) in Sicily

Cullotta S, La Mela Veca D, Maccari F, Cibella R, Marchetti M

vol. 3, pp. 407-419 - online: 00, 20 S - doi: 10.3832/efor0387-0030407

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Research Articles

Analysis of the protective function of forests: a study case in the Aosta Valley (Italy)

Meloni F, Lingua E, Motta R

vol. 3, pp. 420-425 - online: 00, 20 S - doi: 10.3832/efor0388-0030420

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Research Articles

Fungal endophytes and epiphytes in needles of Picea abies (L.) Karst. from natural and urban areas in northern Italy

Lorenzi E, Lorando E, Picco A

vol. 3, pp. 426-436 - online: 00, 20 S - doi: 10.3832/efor0386-0030426

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Research Articles

Impact of traffic on δ15N, δ13C and δ18O of needles and annual tree rings of Norway spruce (Picea abies L.)

Guerrieri M, Saurer M, Siegwolf R, Waldner P, Cherubini P

vol. 3, pp. 437-445 - online: 00, 20 S - doi: 10.3832/efor0389-0030437

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Research Articles

Forest as Capercaillie’s habitat: applied research efforts and new management experiences

Brugnoli A, Brugnoli R

vol. 3, pp. 168-182 - online: 00, 13 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0358-0030168

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Research Articles

Analysis of landslides revegetated with autochthonous seeds in the National Park “Foreste Casentinesi, Monte Falterona and Campigna”, Tuscany

Argenti G, Albertosi A, Quilghini G

vol. 3, pp. 183-190 - online: 00, 13 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0370-0030183

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Research Articles

Comparison of optical and digital techniques for light microclimate assessment in the Paneveggio Forest, Trentino, Italy

Vacchiano G, Tonon G, Panzacchi P, Muzzi E, Motta R

vol. 3, pp. 191-204 - online: 00, 13 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0373-0030191

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Research Articles

Carbon and oxygen isotopes: a useful tool for the analysis of carbon and water exchanges between plants and the atmosphere

Ripullone F, Borghetti M, Cernusak L, Matsuo N, Farquhar G

vol. 3, pp. 205-212 - online: 00, 13 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0371-0030205

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Research Articles

Dynamics of the forest landscape: evolution of newly-established forests on pastures in Corte Pogallo - Val Grande National Park (VB - Italy)

Garbarino M, Pividori M

vol. 3, pp. 213-221 - online: 00, 13 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0359-0030213

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Research Articles

Analysis of habitat conservation in the SIC Nature 2000 “ITA040005 - Monte Cammarata, Contrada Salaci”, Monti Sicani (Sicily, Italy)

La Mela Veca D, Clementi G, Cullotta S, Maetzke F, Traina G

vol. 3, pp. 222-237 - online: 00, 13 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0376-0030222

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Research Articles

Productivity of poplar and willow in short rotation plantations

Facciotto G, Bergante S, Lioia C, Rosso L, Mughini G, Zenone T, Nervo G

vol. 3, pp. 238-252 - online: 00, 13 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0374-0030238

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Research Articles

Trees Outside Forests (TOF) inventory as a tool for landscape analysis and support for territorial planning

Paletto A, De Natale F, Gasparini P, Morelli S, Tosi V

vol. 3, pp. 253-266 - online: 00, 13 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0363-0030253

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Research Articles

Testing probabilistic techniques of timber volume estimation for forest management planning

Corona P

vol. 3, pp. 267-274 - online: 00, 13 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0372-0030267

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Research Articles

Proposal of a simplified method for pastures assessment in forest planning

Argenti G, Bianchetto E, Ferretti F, Staglianò N

vol. 3, pp. 275-280 - online: 00, 13 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0367-0030275

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Research Articles

Inventory data usage in carbon stock assessment for targeting Kyoto protocol requests

Pilli R, Anfodillo T

vol. 3, pp. 22-38 - online: 00, 17 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0338-0030022

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Research Articles

Sustainable Forest management: example of implementation of PEFC certification schemes

Lovreglio R, Gammarano G, Leone V

vol. 3, pp. 39-44 - online: 00, 17 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0348-0030039

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Research Articles

Benefits of a strategic national forest inventory to science and society: the USDA Forest Service Forest Inventory and Analysis program

Shaw J

vol. 3, pp. 46-53 - online: 00, 17 M - doi: 10.3832/ifor0345-0010081

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Research Articles

First observations on dead wood in Calabrian pine (Pinus laricio Poiret) stands in the Aspromonte National Park (Italy)

La Fauci A, Bagnato S, Gugliotta O, Mercurio R

vol. 3, pp. 54-62 - online: 00, 17 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0344-0030054

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Vegetation dynamics in Vallombrosa forest (Tuscan Apennine) after the suspension of silvicultural practices

Bianchi L, Paci M, Bartolini D

vol. 3, pp. 63-71 - online: 00, 17 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0339-0030063

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Research Articles

Protection forests for preventing and mitigating flooding effects

Incitti T, Vietto L, Chiarabaglio P

vol. 3, pp. 72-77 - online: 00, 17 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0343-0030072

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Research Articles

Preliminary antagonistic tests of endophytic fungi against Diplodia corticola and silvicultural practices to contrast oak decline

Campanile G, Campanile D, Nigro M, Mannerucci F, Ruscelli A, Luisi N

vol. 3, pp. 78-85 - online: 00, 17 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0351-0030078

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Research Articles

Post-cultural stand dynamics in an abandoned chestnut coppice at its ecological border

Pividori M, Armando F, Conedera M

vol. 3, pp. 86-90 - online: 00, 17 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0340-0030086

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Research Articles

An evaluation model of protective function in forest management planning: slope stability in regard to shallow landslide events

Scrinzi G, Gregori E, Giannetti F, Galvagni D, Zorn G, Colle G, Andrenelli M

vol. 3, pp. 98-155 - online: 00, 17 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0349-0030098

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Research Articles

What role for afforestation in Italian strategies towards the Kyoto Protocol? Hints from a Kyoto forest in the Po Valley (Northern Italy)

Magnani F, Grassi G, Tonon G, Cantoni L, Ponti F, Vicinelli E, Boldreghini P, Nardino M, Georgiadis T, Facini O, Rossi F

vol. 2, pp. 333-344 - online: 00, 19 D - doi: 10.3832/efor0320-0020333

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Research Articles

The Pine Processionary moth in the pinewoods of Calabrian Apennines, Italy

Palmeri V, Pulvirenti A, Zappalà L

vol. 2, pp. 345-357 - online: 00, 19 D - doi: 10.3832/efor0315-0020345

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Research Articles

Effects of gap size and within-gap position on seedlings establishment in silver fir stands

Albanesi E, Gugliotta O, Mercurio I, Mercurio R

vol. 2, pp. 358-366 - online: 00, 19 D - doi: 10.3832/ifor0448-0010055

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Research Articles

Application of isotope discrimination techniques to evaluate the functional response of Mediterranean coppices to high-forest conversion cut

Di Matteo G, De Angelis P, Scarascia Mugnozza G

vol. 2, pp. 367-377 - online: 00, 19 D - doi: 10.3832/efor0313-0020367

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Research Articles

The role of the Mediterranean maquis in carbon sequestration

Costa G, La Mantia T

vol. 2, pp. 378-387 - online: 00, 19 D - doi: 10.3832/efor0319-0020378

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Research Articles

A method for the study of secondary succession processes in terraced old fields: the case study Pantelleria Island (Canale di Sicilia)

Rühl J, Pasta S, La Mantia T

vol. 2, pp. 388-398 - online: 00, 19 D - doi: 10.3832/efor0324-0020388

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

An overview of passive remote sensing for post-fire monitoring

Chirici G, Corona P

vol. 2, pp. 282-289 - online: 00, 21 S - doi: 10.3832/ifor0305-0010006

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Research Articles

Effects of rejuvenation on cutting propagation of Mediterranean shrub species

Pignatti G, Crobeddu S

vol. 2, pp. 290-295 - online: 00, 21 S - doi: 10.3832/efor0308-0020290

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Research Articles

Organic-matter evolution of soils from Sila uplands (Calabria, Italy)

Sidari M, Muscolo A, Cianci V, Attinà E, Vecchio G, Zaffina F

vol. 2, pp. 296-305 - online: 00, 21 S - doi: 10.3832/efor0306-0020296

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Research Articles

Productivity and carbon uptake of forest plantations in Friuli (Italy)

Tomat E, Alberti G, Assolari S, Peressotti A, Gottardo E, Zerbi G

vol. 2, pp. 306-310 - online: 00, 21 S - doi: 10.3832/efor0304-0020306

   Abstract    Full-Text    PDF


Research Articles

Probabilistic assessment of the rate of forest expansion in Abruzzo

Corona P, Pompei E, Scarascia Mugnozza G

vol. 2, pp. 178-184 - online: 00, 08 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0283-0020178

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Research Articles

Investigation on timber walnut plantations in southern Italy

Di Vaio C, Minotta G

vol. 2, pp. 185-197 - online: 00, 08 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0291-0020185

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Research Articles

Contribution to the definition of Regions of Provenance for forest reproductive materials

Ducci F, Pignatti G, Proietti R, Vannuccini M

vol. 2, pp. 198-206 - online: 00, 08 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0293-0020198

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Research Articles

Effects of thinnings in Pinus nigra artificial stands (Umbria, Italy)

Cantiani P, Iorio G, Pelleri F

vol. 2, pp. 207-216 - online: 00, 08 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0292-0020207

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Research Articles

The identification of poplar clones by montecarlo methods: the random forests

Camussi A, Stefanini F

vol. 2, pp. 217-224 - online: 00, 08 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0279-0020217

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Research Articles

The Winkelmass index as a forest management tool for inventorying stand structure

Corona P, D’Orazio P, Lamonaca A, Portoghesi L

vol. 2, pp. 225-232 - online: 00, 08 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0280-0020225

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Research Articles

Mechanization in firewood harvesting in southern Italy

Verani S, Sperandio G

vol. 2, pp. 233-241 - online: 00, 08 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0290-0020233

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Research Articles

The OWAS Method. Preliminary results for the evaluation of the risk of work-related musculo-skeletrical disorders (WMSD) in the forestry sector in Italy

Zanuttini R, Cielo P, Poncino D

vol. 2, pp. 242-255 - online: 00, 08 J - doi: 10.3832/efor0294-0020242

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Research Articles

Climate scenarios in the Mediterranean region

Gualdi S, Navarra A

vol. 2, pp. 19-30 - online: 00, 10 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0250-0020019

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Research Articles

Effects of long-term water shortage on Mediterranean pine forests: lessons from two experiments carried out in southern Italy

Borghetti M, Cinnirella S, Magnani F, Saracino A

vol. 2, pp. 31-36 - online: 00, 10 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0247-0020031

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Research Articles

A new long-term experimental area for the assessment of the effects of climate warming and seasonal drought on a Mediterranean shrubland community

De Angelis P, De Dato G, Spano D, Duce P, Sirca C, Asunis C, Pellizzaro G, Cesaraccio C, Sechi S, Scarascia Mugnozza G

vol. 2, pp. 37-51 - online: 00, 10 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0260-0020037

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Research Articles

Climate change in the Mediterranean basin: a case study on carbon cycle in a forest of southern Italy

Marino C, Manca G, Matteucci G, Scarascia Mugnozza G

vol. 2, pp. 52-65 - online: 00, 10 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0259-0020052

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Research Articles

Map of desertification-prone areas in the Basilicata region, Italy

Ferrara A, Bellotti A, Faretta S, Mancino G, Baffari P, D’Ottavio A, Trivigno V

vol. 2, pp. 66-73 - online: 00, 10 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0255-0020066

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Research Articles

Climatic indicators of desertification in Basilicata, Italy

Bove B, Brindisi P, Glisci C, Pacifico G, Summa M

vol. 2, pp. 74-84 - online: 00, 10 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0265-0020074

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Research Articles

Decrease of the ecological functionality of trees due to fungal diseases

Nicolotti G, Gonthier P, Rettori A, Cellerino G

vol. 2, pp. 85-91 - online: 00, 10 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0254-0020085

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Research Articles

Surfactant damages on coastal vegetation in southern Italy

Rettori A, Paoletti E, De Capua E, Nicolotti G

vol. 2, pp. 92-97 - online: 00, 10 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0252-0020092

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Research Articles

Ozone: threat perception and early-defense reactions. The poplar case

Castagna A, Diara C, Baldan B, Mensuali Sodi A, Soldatini G, Ranieri A

vol. 2, pp. 98-106 - online: 00, 10 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0258-0020098

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Research Articles

High ozone concentrations in the Mediterranean Italy: a threat to forests?

Paoletti E, Petriccione B, Racalbuto S

vol. 2, pp. 130-140 - online: 00, 10 M - doi: 10.3832/efor0269-0020130

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Research Articles

Choroplastic diversity in Italian oaks: evidence of a higher genetic richness in southern and insular populations

Fineschi S, Vendramin Giovanni G

vol. 1, pp. 82-87 - online: 00, 28 D - doi: 10.3832/efor0220-0010082

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Research Articles

GIS-based analysis of relationships between ecological factors and forest vegetation in the Prealps (North-east Italy)

Turco S, Napolitano R, Alberti G, Altobelli A, Ganis P, Bonfanti P

vol. 1, pp. 88-99 - online: 00, 28 D - doi: 10.3832/efor0227-0010088

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Research Articles

A new approach to ozone plant fumigation: The Web-O3-Fumigation. Isoprene response to a gradient of ozone stress in leaves of Quercus pubescens

Pinelli P, Tricoli D

vol. 1, pp. 100-108 - online: 00, 28 D - doi: 10.3832/ifor0240-0010022

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Research Articles

Criteria for the definition of forest typologies in southern Apennines forests, Italy

Pignatti G, Terzuolo P, Varese P, Semerari P, Lombardi V

vol. 1, pp. 112-127 - online: 00, 28 D - doi: 10.3832/efor0229-0010112

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Research Articles

Transformation of coordinate systems: software, limits and potentialities

Travaglini D

vol. 1, pp. 128-134 - online: 00, 28 D - doi: 10.3832/efor0228-0010128

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Research Articles

Early-screening for resistance to Phytophthora sp.p. in wild cherry clones (Prunus avium L.)

Barzanti G, Biancalani F, De Rogatis A, Ghelardini L, Guerri S, Santini A

vol. 1, pp. 135-140 - online: 00, 28 D - doi: 10.3832/efor0245-0010135

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Research Articles

Comparison between sampling methods for the assessment of rangeland resources in eastern Italian Alps

Argenti G, Bartoletti C, Staglianò N, Albertosi A, Bianchetto E

vol. 1, pp. 141-147 - online: 00, 28 D - doi: 10.3832/efor0241-0010141

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Research Articles

Standards for large-scale forest inventories. A comparative study for Italy

Tosi V, Monteccone M

vol. 1, pp. 148-164 - online: 00, 28 D - doi: 10.3832/efor0235-0010148

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Research Articles

The silver fir in the Val Grande National Park: distribution, structures and dynamics

Bionda L, Lingua E, Motta R, Nola P

vol. 1, pp. 25-36 - online: 00, 12 O - doi: 10.3832/efor0219-0010025

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Research Articles

Seasonal variations in monoterpene profiles and ecophysiological traits in Mediterranean pine species of group “halepensis

Michelozzi M, Tognetti R, Maggino F, Radicati M

vol. 1, pp. 37-50 - online: 00, 12 O - doi: 10.3832/efor0206-001

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Research Articles

Comparing carbon isotope composition of bulk wood and holocellulose from Quercus cerris, Fraxinus ornus and Pinus radiata tree rings

D’Alessandro C, Guerrieri M, Saracino A

vol. 1, pp. 51-57 - online: 00, 12 O - doi: 10.3832/efor0217-0010051

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